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Natural Health Information and Modern Research 

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We raise our pups as naturally as possible, we don't use lawn sprays or insecticide sprays, and give them as few chemical preventives as possible (de-wormings and 1st vaccines). All things that need to be done, weed control in our yard for instance, are done by hand. It doesn't make things easy or picture perfect, but it does keep our dogs healthier. We are VERY driven to have the most healthy dogs we can possibly have. Once they leave here though, the rest is up to you and the pup's environment plays a HUGE role in the continued health of your dog. We Guarantee our pups for all genetic issues so make your best effort in keeping them as natural as possible for the rest of their lives! Our now retired old ones (13, 12, and 10 this year! (2021) have all been kept as natural as possible and it shows! 


Check out this link (link has been updated as the last one quit working) to learn why you too might want to

forgo the chemical lawn treatments:(scroll down to #4 in the article for the info... It has been found that Lawn treatments jump your dogs chances of cancer a WHOPPING 70%!! and some Flea collars do not just affect your dog but can also affect your family via the fur residue! ...."organophosphate and carbamate chemicals (in some flea collars) are associated with learning disabilities and more in children.....Researchers found the fur residues from certain flea collars containing tetrachlorvinphos and propoxur were in doses high enough to harm kids and adults who play with their pets." 

****Remember, I am not affiliated with any of the links in any way. I simply share my research! 

*IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: None of the research topics and findings presented anywhere on our website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. They are for informational / educational purposes only. Always discuss health concerns with your vet, hopefully your vet isn't one of the "oh that is just quackery" kind of vet. An open minded vet can answer EVERY question, including how nutrition plays a HUGE role in the health of your pet, as well as be able to explain the purpose of each mineral and vitamin, and how they work in the body.  They are after all, the professionals of animal health right?

And above all, remember this: Please don't let a vet discourage you in your quest to find what's best for your pet. The two of you should work as a team. Search around to find the one that will work WITH you. You'll find all vets have their own individual opinion that may/may not be the same as another vet's opinion! 

(holistic vets vary just as traditional vets do--some are open minded, some aren't.)

It's YOUR job to find one that works for YOU and your pet

NOTE:  All informative links in this website are meant for educational and research purposes only.

It is meant to open these topics up for discussion and to expand the awareness of options for everyone,

it is not meant to imply that it is the ONLY opinion nor is it meant to replace any diagnosis or treatment. .

The research links are added for your convenience if you want to do more research on your own.

I've shared the research material links here for you to decide. put on your "hip waders" and dive in! Its eye opening, thought provoking, and fascinating!


So Let's Begin......

"Experts" ....  ALL Doctors are health experts, right? They ALL have the same education, (more or less) some have more experience than others, some have taken extra years to become even more educated such as Holistic vets, and they all have their opinions about the topics we discuss with them and the research that is considered, or ignored, right? .... Because they're all grounded in their own beliefs, but have EQUAL education, that means WE as the pet parents need to use a bit of logic and common sense in the health care decisions that we are responsible for making. We need to find a vet that blends with our own beliefs, just as with ALL things in life. 

Basic health care:

The most common of all health challenges are the parasites. Internal as well as external. Luckily they're rather easy to kill and prevent .... 

Giardia/coccidia ...Evidently these nasty little micros are rearing their ugly heads again the past few years. We've been seeing all kinds of reports on the Natural Health sites we're members of and it makes us wonder why it's so prevalent in recent years? In any case, it's not deadly unless the symptoms are ignored and thus start to cause severe dehydration. The most common symptom of an active giardia infection is watery diarrhea.  The diarrhea may be greenish or yellow in color, or it might be brown, but it is always going to be liquid, the beginning stage could also have a good stool to begin with and end in slime covered slightly loose stool. But what makes it hard to avoid is the high prevalence of the cysts, in fact most adult dogs are considered carriers of giardia, even if they do not show symptoms.  

Both coccidia and giardia are parasites, they are a MICRO parasite, a protozoan parasite, that are easy for NATURE'S remedies to get rid of, but proving resistant to conventional medicine lately.  They might do well while ON the medicine but symptoms come back after stopping the medicine. Thus another medicine is given and the it also is ineffective once stopped and thus a THIRD one is the meantime the gut is getting hit pretty hard and immune system as well.... Incubation: per is 1-14 days, and per VCA Animal Hospitals it can be 5 days from exposure/ingestion! (either way, that's FAST!) Because it can happen in as little as 5 days from exposure,  that makes it hard to know where it came from! Were you just at a dog park, or camping? taking a walk? Do you have other animals coming onto your property? It comes from anywhere. In any case, it is showing up all across the entire country in the last few years and vets using conventional meds/treatments are having a hard time dealing with it, frequently needing to try THREE different rounds of meds to try to get rid of it. The Purdue report shows reports of little luck when treating with Metronidazole or Fenbendazole, yet those two medicines are the most commonly prescribed ....

NATURAL remedies on the other hand, have proven very effective! There are pre-made, ready to administer remedies that are about $35, so it's not going to break your bank either. A product called KochiFree  (by Amber Naturalz) is VERY easy to get, it's found online, and is also easy to give, just a few drops in their food! The naturals that we use are: ground cloves (found in your local grocery store), ACV (that’s raw Apple Cider Vinegar, we use the BRAGGS brand, it must be RAW and unpasteurized!) coconut oil, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Neem leaf powder.  (dosages are easily found with an internet search... or email me and I can help with that too, whether or not you have ever gotten a pup from us.

(We're here to share natural information to ALL dog owners, not just ours). Just as with illnesses in people, illnesses can become resistant to conventional remedies, and animal issues do too when the antibiotics are too often given “just in case” or "we don’t know, so we’ll prescribe this". We’re all mammals and the over use of conventional things often builds nature's resistance to those things that have been over prescribed. After all, nature is more adaptable than many people think, and germs and organisms are part of nature.. So we fight nature with nature,  and it works!

Just keep those naturals handy for whatever may come your way. Links for these natural products are found throughout this site.. for these two micros a product called KochiFree (formerly KocciFree)  may be just what you're looking for to clear up those watery stools!  .... (Oh....and adult dogs can have it with zero signs, so it might be worth a prevention regime even if there are no signs of it... Ours get their prevention remedy every spring and every fall.... for years now. The more we've learned over the years about natural health, the better we all are, humans AND our pets!  And it's worth the trouble

POISONS .... watch out for the sugar substitutes in your own food! Xylitol is a big concern, it can cause a sudden release of insulin followed by a sudden drop in blood sugar causing seizures, or vomiting, or loss of consciousness or all 3.Learn more about this common ingredient here: and another site here  

Another concern is over-vaccinating: Too many given all at once or in too short of a time frame, or repeatedly, or given to an already ill pet can be dangerous. Make sure you are aware! More information  here

History has taught us that "Progress takes time"

*** Fresh fruit was known to cure scurvy by 1753,..... yet governments ignored the fact for nearly 100 years. Countless thousands died in the meantime.

*** The 19th century doctor who first advocated washing one's hands between patients, ......was ridiculed for it. He died ignored and in disgrace with the medical profession.

*** The toxic metal mercury was used as medicine into the twentieth century....

*** The first physician to aggressively use vitamin C to cure disease was Frederick R. Klenner, MD, beginning back in the early 1940's. Dr. Klenner successfully treated chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus and polio with huge doses of the vitamin."

*** Dr Belfield DVM, Owner and Director of the Bel-Mar Orthomolecular Veterinary Hospital in San Jose, CA. successfully showed Vit C treated Distemper and even prevented litters of pups out of hip dyplasia parents. or parents KNOWN for producing HD litters, from getting Canine HD when he took on an experiment of treating HD positive pregnant female dogs and then their pups with vitamin C... Not ONE puppy had HD when x-rayed at full growth, in spite of the females having it and having produced HD litters in the past!  While the vet industry was euthanizing thousands of affected animals, Dr Belfield utilized Dr Klenners successes with Vitamin C, and tried a different course for HD ....successfully! 

When a person thinks about how many generations (lets use just 3 or 4 decades which could be as many as 5 generations per decade, although it's been even more decades than that!) of the most tightly controlled "selective breeding" practices are used (think of the Champion lines of the most strict countries that require Hip tests be done before breeding is allowed) and yet they still have the HD chance in their offspring! That tells us that the "selective" theory didn't work, so we need to look deeper to find the cause, right? 

Could there be a gene we could test for the inability to synthesize enough of the vitamin on their own? Raw meat is needed for that so possibly the problem comes from the kibble diet that uses extreme high heat to prepare the meat for processing into a powder? We just don't know so mine get the supplement and we require it be given throughout the growth of the pup.

Veterinarians today are just now getting on board with this and finding many other successes of supplementing this important Vitamin for our much loved canine companions. Some are even researching it as a cancer preventive! 

Dr Belfield may well be one of the very first Veterinarians to think outside the box and try "alternative" treatments with great success.

Just because it hasn't been widely accepted by all practitioners doesn't mean that something doesn't work

Another GREAT medical professional had this to say: "The ideal of medicine is the prevention of disease, ~ and the necessity for curative treatment is a tacit admission of its failure"               

~H.E. Sigerist - Leading Historian of the Medical Profession *pg 11 "How to Have a Healthier Dog".......

HD, a hot topic:

One theory is based on a 1940s era decision, it has had more than ample time to erase it from the breeds, or at least from 7 DECADES of generations of the "selectively bred" lines). ....and the other, a 1970s theory, is based on research and small studies that were done to find that dogs differ greatly in their ability to make a crucial vitamin, a vitamin that is responsible for the strength of these body parts.

As shown in examples to the left, there is ALWAYS room for improvement and we MUST open our eyes to the fact that lots of health issues are still a big problem, some have even gotten worse, in spite of the  strategies that we  thought would prevent or eliminate them.

Let's FINALLY open our eyes and try something else! Let's utilize the other studies that were ignored in the past, the studies that were scoffed at yet actually WORKED and showed great hope in being able to prevent so many issues! Dogs make their own Vit c at a HUGE variance of abilities. Lets hope the experts find the gene that shows a dog has a very LOW ability to make it's own vit C. It's a CRUCIAL part of developing, maintaining and repairing strong joints! Why not find a DNA test for that? 

And here is a great example of the VERY hot, very arguable, very controversial topic of "New medicine profitability vs 'Old common sense'"

The most important thing to take away from this page  

is that you are being proactive in the care of your pet, are willing to learn as much as you can about everything from toxins, to your pets' immune systems, to the nutritional needs lacking in modern dogs,the best preventives, the side effects of all things put into your pet, and the best treatments for everyday challenges in the overall health of your pup. YOU are taking control, you are researching, learning and doing the very best for your beloved pet. Get your pup on a supplement, add Sodium Ascorbate, (it takes a mere few seconds of your day ....and is inexpensive!), get those core vaccines, and remember to ALWAYS ask for the FULL disclosure of all possible side effects of any meds or preventives your pet is given.  (This info is supposed to be presented to you and sadly is not)  It's important for you to know about the possible negatives as well as the positives in order to know what to watch for! Ask about Titers as well in order to minimize the chemical load on your pet.  

PLEASE be fully informed! Here are two sites that keep us pet owners updated and informed: 

FYI: Holistic vet schools are NOT supported and funded by the big money pharmaceutical and dog food industries like the conventional vet schools are.... So please consider that as well when researching and also consider donating to the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation

Genetic Health Testing: So many things change over time it's sometimes hard to keep up with all the new research out there isn't it? It's the same for those of us in the dog world. 

In the past few years it's become so easy to get genetic health tests that not so long ago weren't available. Many breeders are using these tools today, us included.

As I do more and more research, I learn that although these new "tools" are not perfect, ...nothing is ...they are improving our knowledge and giving us the ability to monitor all these issues to hopefully bring stronger, better health, longevity, and a brighter future for our dogs.... for ALL breeds! 

We use DNA genetic screening tests for these GSD issues:

Just think, a decade or so ago we didn't have anything like this! To us, DNA tests are much more important than finding out what type of breed(s) your beloved pet is! To us it's an invaluable tool to have in a breeding program! These tests eliminate the possibility of breeding the wrong mates to each other! Selective breeding, using the tools we have today to "select" the proper pairing of mates, is crucial to any breed's over all health! 

(there are actually 150 issues they are screened for, but these 50 are the issues that the GSD COULD be affected by)

DNA list updated 2019 .jpg

Updated 'aging' chart: They are capable (but NOT advised, especially for females who carry the pups!!) to reproduce at 7 months, are the equivalent to an 20 yr old human by the time they are 1 1/2 yrs old, and are the equivalent of 24 yrs old by 2 yrs .....They grow fast the 1st year, then slow down from there on.

Dog aging chart.jpg

Growth Chart: I'm still looking for an updated, or at least a more accurate, GSD puppy growth chart that isn't putting the pups in the "19 lbs by 8 weeks"  weight bracket. A few of mine were in that bracket, most weren't and yet those pups grew to be above size when full grown and were in top form. ... The weight range for an 8 week old, in my opinion, is BETWEEN 12 - 19 lbs. Their size at this age may be attributed to litter size and bloodline types, and in my experience has had no bearing on their full grown adult size. 

As your dog ages 

their needs change, just as ours do as we age. Hopefully you've kept their bodies as natural as possible and they still feel young at heart as when they were young! To keep them balanced and healthy, their supplement needs will change too. I'm in my older age too and I know I have different nutritional needs, so I know my dogs do too! 

In the pictures below: Yva was 9 in this picture, (she passed away quietly at 13rs old in 2021)  Zeke is now 12 (not pictured) and Lady passed away at 14!  They were still active, healthy and happy well into their last year! Zeke thinks he can still take diving leaps off our porch at 12 years old! ...I discourage that, but it just shows that they're still strong and healthy even in their aging years!


Educate yourself and feed what their body needs, not what a bag of food tells you, (that info is a generalized average, each dog will have a variation of that average) and your dog will love you for it! None of these dogs are on a special diet but I do supplement their food. (at my age, I also know I have different dietary needs than my young adult children do!) Our dogs have been kept as natural as I could possibly keep them and it shows.

(info on the supplements I give them is below these pics)

Natural health for dogs
Natural health for dogs

Our Own Aging Dogs

RIP to Lady (14) Yva (13), Zeke (13), Gunther (12), and our old cat Princess (a few weeks shy of 19)

Loved them all, Miss them all still  :( 

All live a good healthy long life!

I supplement our aging dogs with coconut oil, Turmeric, Sodium Ascorbate, MSM, and Beef Gelatin (Organic, Grass Fed). I call it "Mom's Remedy" .... I also give them 'Nupro All Natural Supplement for Dogs' on other days. .....Just as I do as I age, they also can have "sore" days, (As I age I have occasional mild arthritis). At the first sign of any stiffness in them, they get a few days of my  Remedy and they're back to normal. I do keep it to a minimum but I also know from my own experiences that things do diminish with age and we need to put back what aging is taking away.

Take a look at the aging chart. When seeing just how old they are in dog aging, (they're 13, 10 and 9 as of 2018) this tells me that there is something to be said for how this works for them, right?!  

Summary of why:

MSM: ".....As the body ages, the concentration of MSM in the body begins to decrease, so deficiencies may occur as part of the aging process. A low concentration of MSM in the body may result in both physical and psychological stress, organ and tissue malfunction and fatigue.

In the case of dogs, sulfur deficiencies will result in dull fur or skin problems, poor GI and immune systems, as well as joint pain and arthritis." *

**As soon as I started adding this to their water I noticed a shinier coat and better overall performance and brightness to their eyes and attitude. There is definitely a benefit! (I simply add it to their water!) 

 Sodium Ascorbate: for immune system and connective tissue health (Yes dogs used to be able to make plenty of Vit C from their diet, but today's diet doesn't easily offer that anymore. PLUS, each individual dog creates a different AMOUNT of C for themselves (one may have a .86 saturation while another may only have a .02! That is a HUGE difference)So we supplement and use Sodium Ascorbate type as it's the one most used by in studies showing it's ease and effectiveness. 

Organic Gelatin: for joint health

Turmeric (with pepper): for inflammation

Coconut Oil: for immune system, fats, digestion, coat, and it's even an anti parasitic!

So, just as we take care of our aging bodies, we should also be giving our dogs the best informed care that we can give them, right? Our bodies are made by nature so it just makes sense that natural supplements are better, more natural fit for us than a science lab created chemical, right? I'm thankful that I am healthy, and I avoid chemicals whenever I can, (so far I'm not needing any prescriptions, and that's pretty good for my age!!) I give my dogs the same consideration and we all stay as healthy as possible for our ages!  


Arthritis:Boron supplement: "...Dogs that eat a balanced fresh meat diet with plenty of raw bones will get adequate boron, but those that eat a predominantly processed diet are more likely to be deficient, and develop signs of arthritis at a much younger age." from: Vets All Natural

.....Although we haven't used this supplement for our aging dogs,

I am researching the need for Boron. If enough info is out there showing that it is indeed needed by dogs as they age, we will be adding it to our dogs' diets......Anyone with more info on this is encouraged to share their info with us! 

Spay & neutering....Our Guarantee requires waiting to at least 18 mo. of age  These findings are the reason we have decided this is in the best interest of our pups. (their safety from pregnancy is of 1st concern though! So if you can't keep them safe from unplanned pregnancy, of course get them altered!!! ..... 

As I've stated in this website several times, I am NOT a researcher, vet, or professional medical team member thus I rely on their information, their research, their studies and findings instead of relying on "opinions" that are around every corner, given by any 'layperson', and found on every public forum (yup, THAT one too LOL!)

These are not simply "my opinions", these are findings from professional medical research teams. As with any other topic, there will be info opposing this info. But because it IS an arguable topic, and because it IS a possibility, and because it won't harm the dog to wait until growth is done, we do have this addressed in our guarantee.  You can take it or leave it, it's up to each individual to decide what they want to follow, but at least now you've been given access to the "other side" of the topic and can make in INFORMED decision.

Here are a few links to the information:

1) :  "....Consistent with previous studies on the topic, the results showed increased likelihood of hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, mast cell tumors, and canine cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture in neutered dogs."......"The most profound observations were in hip dysplasia in male dogs when comparing early and late-neutering. The risk of development of hip dysplasia doubles, and disease occurs at a younger age in the early-neuter group compared to both the intact and late-neuter group. No occurrence of CCL disease was observed in intact male or intact female dogs, or in late-neutered females"

“Dr. Hart’s landmark study is the first to provide evidence for when to spay or neuter dogs. For years the veterinary community has been aware that early-spay and neuter may impact orthopedic health in dogs. Through a very detailed analysis and inclusion of body condition score as a risk factor, Dr. Hart was able to show that timing of spay and neuter does indeed have health implications,” said Dr. Shila Nordone, Chief Scientific Officer for the AKC Canine Health Foundation."

1 a) Another AKC page states: …. “recent scientific studies that find that sterilizing a dog, particularly before it has fully matured, can lead to significant future health issues, including cancer (such as osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma), hip dysplasia, ligament damage and [ ] ...Recent scientific studies demonstrate that spaying/neutering, particularly before a dog is fully mature, may result in detrimental long-term health impacts. In light of this information, AKC encourages breeders, owners and veterinarians to consult on the appropriateness and timing of spaying or neutering an individual dog.


2) "Veterinary Medicine and Science finds that neutering or spaying these dogs before 1 year of age triples the risk of one or more joint disorders — particularly for cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL, tears"....... “Simply delaying the spay/neuter until the dog is a year old can markedly reduce the chance of a joint disorder.”


(references to Info sources are given at the end of this article)

Important Growth Plate information

Also: hold off on any heavy, strenuous, on going, continuous rough play that could injure the growth plates until they're closed! This is extremely important and too often forgotten.

What's the link with early spay/neuter? Because the sex hormones play a key role in the development of the growth plates and skeletal development!  Early spay or neuter causes a delay in the growth plate closing process. According to new research, early altering often creates a "leggy" dog and makes them more likely to suffer orthopedic problems such as HD, CCL injury, and possibly even bone cancer. (please see the research links)

PLEASE do not "early" spay or neuter your pups! Wait until after one year old minimum to get this is done! (Our guarantee requires a later altering!) 


More links:

4) by Dr Karen Becker:  (she starts off with giving her credentials) be patient it is an excellent video and so VERY informing!






....NOTE: I am a huge supporter of rescues & shelters spaying/ neutering to avoid possibilities of even more of these unplanned litters that come from non-breeders that simply didn't alter their "pet"! Rescues and shelters deal with situations unique to them, they deal with the unplanned unwanted and OOPS litters that come from people that had no intention to breed but didn't spay or neuter for one reason or another. Shelters have to deal with the offspring from those irresponsible pet owners on a daily basis, and having a spay/neuter requirement is their only safety net to stop that cycle. So the risks of early altering are outweighed by the need to stop these unplanned/ unwanted 'OOPS' litters that flood their facilities daily. ***The 'mix-breed'  accounts for about 95% of the shelter population, every other individual breed by itself, accounts for only a very small FRACTION of that amount, and it takes ALL the purebred breeds combined to make up the other 5+%  of the population in those places, and that includes the rescues for each individual breed (the mixbreed also has rescue groups). So going by those facts, the mix-breed is by far the biggest factor in the shelter over population problem in our country. ***For the doubters: Luckily we are in the day and age where looking at shelters online will give us a "head count" of those dogs currently being held in any given shelter. Look up a shelter, see how many are  "mixed breed"? .. In any case, If you see one that catches your heart, adoption can be much faster than it used to be years ago.     ....   

UPDATED acredited RESEARCH RESULTSHere is another one that has found that the old number of 25% (that is often quoted) is highly inaccurate according to those who actually work in the environment, it now shows that the purebred count is closer to 5%, not 25% (check your local shelter's inventory, most are online now). Example: Way back in the 1980s I had a dog everyone assumed was a GSD but in reality only her Dam was GSD, her sire was a Lab! If she had landed in a shelter they would have labeled her a GSD. In our family page, Angel is the GSD/Lab mix... Looks purebred doesn't she!? A visual assessment is often very wrong. (**See my GSD mix 'Angel' below)

A Smithsonian study (co-funded by Wisdom Panel, a genetic DNA company) found that there "is a low accuracy" when staff determines a breed of a dog by using a visual assessment to identify the breed. The National Canine Research Council notes that such analysis is “very often inaccurate”, and that only 5% of the shelter population was of purebred dogs. and here is another site (although this one won't always load): ... "The number of dogs entering US shelters has reached an all-time low, and the number of purebred dogs found in shelters has dropped to about 5%, that still leaves the mixed-breed (or OOPS litters as many call them) at a HUGE 95% of all shelter dogs! according to a study just released by the National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA), an advocacy organization for responsible animal ownership.

Regardless of the accuracy of the numbers, the OOPS litter count is by far higher than any other single "carefully selected, health screened and planned" purebred count.

PLEASE be a responsible pet parent and Spay/Neuter (at a later age only if you know you can make sure they aren't going to be a statistic of an OOPS breeding!)...Until they are altered, PLEASE confine, kennel, protect, fence, leash and in every way possible prevent your 'pet' dog from breeding! 

Vit C ... for all life stages.


Vitamin is a powerful antioxidant (for pollution, chemicals etc) which supports the production of collagen, protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps to fight off infections.  Vitamin C will also help with repairing and creating blood vessels, repairing damaged capillaries after injury, and according to the NIH, the body also uses vitamin C to make skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is important for tissue growth and repair, absorption of iron, anti-aging and more.. It also repairs and maintains cartilage, bones and teeth. It also acts as an antioxidant, protecting a body's cells from damage from environmental toxins and free radicals. (which modern dogs cannot escape from!) .......I provide supplements, I restrict chemical exposure to a minimum (rabies vaccine, occasional parasite treatment when a natural may fail) I provide food that is free of "corn soy and wheat" due to those being the top 3 GMO crops, I give natural treats from our own kitchen (I NEVER give mass produced store bought treats), I don't use chemical lawn care products, etc....  and even our 9, 10, and 13 yr old dogs are still youthful, active, and healthy!.........

So why would a person NOT be restrictive with chemicals, and provide supplement in their much loved pet's daily life? And why take the chance that your dog may not be making enough of its own Vit C? (its been proven that from one dog to the next the amount a dog makes is HUGELY variable from one dog to the next. (from .02 to .84!!) to deal with today's "chemical world" of pesticide use, chemical flea treatments, chemical de-wormers, processed foods, preservatives, pollution, chemical based meds etc, it's so easy to administer and so beneficial and will not harm your pet even if you give too much, so why NOT supplement it? .....The side effect of too much C will cause diarrhea, so in the event that you do give too much, I can imagine everyone that has even a smidgen of common sense would know to cut back on the amount being given, if not for the dogs' sake then for their OWN convenience sake, right?

PLEASE supplement your dog if at all possible! (of course if your dog already HAS an issue, make sure you check with a vet that is trained in advanced nutrition for health to see if it's an option for your pet)

 All other essential nutrients are supplied in their food, (artificially of course) but for some reason this one is not. Yes dogs CAN make their own, but its been proven that from one dog to the next the amount made is HUGELY variable...from .02 to .84!! ...(that's a HUGE difference!) Because of this, supplementing Vit C (by the way of Sodium Ascorbate!) is the best way to go for our dogs. 

Humans also may benefit from this crucial supplement! (I know I do!)

Here are two articles that describe WHY



Important info on Cancer and Diet!! This is an eye opener. The type of food a person feeds is CRUCIAL to their pet's over all health and of course diet is a key factor in their overall health. ...(90% of your dogs health is determined by diet) It is now believed that adding certain fresh foods to their diet can help decrease their risk of cancer!.... See more interesting info here:

Cancer isn't the only thing that can be caused by food choices

 Veterinarian Jenny Elwell-Gerken had her own dog come down with diarrhea, "allergies"  and other problems that she couldn't get control of.

She tried everything: advice from other vets, antibiotics, grain-free foods,..nothing worked.

She finally decided to switch to a raw diet - It fixed the problems! .


So she, even as a highly educated vet, had learned something her education hadn't addressed: That the foods you feed your dog can either positively or negatively impact his health. Sometimes it's not the fault of anyone, but it's the highly processed and preservative laden foods that even the vets think are top notch, (so they even prescribe them!), that are causing so many health issues for today's dogs!

So she came up with 5 critical steps to help stop diarrhea, allergies, and other health issues in your own dog:

Nature’s herbs, plants, oils and powders.  Are they safe for your pets

Before a person jumps to a quick, 'shoot from the hip', uneducated but socially supported conclusion, I would hope that they educate themselves first and check with a Holistic Expert such as a Holistic Dr or Holistic Veterinarian.  Many of these natural solutions were used for centuries, with high success, but they do need educated guidance!


Not all conditions have only one option for treatment, a chemical treatment. Sometimes herbs will do better with less side effects than a chemical would. (many times those chemicals will cause yet another condition in itself! Have you ever seen the commercials that promise a court settlement for damage or death caused by a once thought-to-be-safe chemical treatment or med?) There are much safer, natural, and non chemical options that don't cause a chain reaction of bad side effects, that could be tried first. In the end it's MUCH safer to work with both a holistic vet as well as a conventional vet for optimal care, or better yet an integrative vet (utilizes both practices), in this way, our pets get the best of BOTH worlds!

Below are some links to help a person get started in this topic. Some of the most common beliefs of the general public are wrong, and are based on unfair trials that “found” a real cause for concern (such as garlic being poisonous.THAT research was based on such HIGH amounts given for several days at a time that it's ridiculous. The dosages they were using were equivalent to giving 60 (SIXTY!) cloves per feeding, every day for a week! NO ONE would recommend THAT much be given for ANYTHING or to ANYONE much less a pet that weighs a fraction of a human) So PLEASE read through material, instead of glancing at the headline only, and search for and find the supporting FACTS!  ….

Remember these links are from professionals, experts in the field.

***I personally have found HUGE success for myself with natural plant-based foods and treatments for many of my once chronic conditions that the Drs couldn’t help me with, other than temporary pain relief and temporary stop of infections (which always came back 3 – 4 times a year. It’s been a few years now that I have not had to rush to emergency room for some desperately needed help. For this I am so very thankful. Please LEARN about things before making a decision that they’re bad for you, or are “quackery”. Sometimes blending conventional medical care and natural care is the best of both worlds and brings us the best care in the world!

For instance: Garlic; It's as poisonous as any other medicine when taken in excessively large quantities,(daily dose of 20 or more cloves for a large breed dog WILL cause dangerous health issues), so BE CAREFUL!! It’s action is something like a blood thinner, so experts warn to NEVER give a dog garlic that is already on a blood meds. Also, since it CAN BE toxic at high doses, don’t be a fool and over dose you or your pet. Remember, these are considered medicine, one drop of any essential oil in many cases is considered as one dose, you wouldn't want to overdose would you? That's why educating yourself, and working with a Holistic or naturopathic vet is always recommended! …

All of these herbs, plants, oils and plant powders should be taken with the same safety precautions as if they were conventional chemical meds (but with little to no side effects when dosed properly) As with anything health related, use your common sense, and accept this: if you’re not educated in their use, or are unsure of ANYTHING, check with a holistic vet to guide you through your pet’s ailment! SAFETY FIRST!

Now, …. please go take a closer look into the topic, and don't go on just one quote or one side of the beliefs. In the end it's YOUR choice of options, after all, you are the care taker of your pet. It's over all health is in your hands. You'll find that there are many many studies and findings that support natural care and it's successes, often times succeeding where several rounds of heavy chemical treatments have not only failed, but then also overburdened the body with all their side effects on top of the original issue:

Here are a couple of links to get you started:

Parvo breakthrough!!

***Conventional medicine has new research info on Parvovirus!***

Great research info!   2021 NOTE:  This find was in 2014 and I haven't seen anything since then. The vaccine was or is called "Avianax parvoONE", so any info regarding whether or not it became a real thing would be much appreciated! 

***Natural Medicine has had tremendous success

in this area for a long time now

(My favorite source for our needs or info, is Wolf Creek Ranch Organics ( ) That site has products that have had a 90% or more success rate at a relatively low cost, search for Paxaid or Paxxin (about $50 to $150 for the whole package) for a long time now although many people are still reluctant to accept that natural works for ANYTHING (so sad for their pets!!) This natural approach to this horrible disease has already been highly successful for many years .... But it's nice to see conventional vets are getting there now too! Either natural or conventional, at least it's no longer "most likely a death sentence"!

Caring for our pets has become something that isn't as cut and dried as it used to be, or as we would LIKE it to be today. The worry of over vaccinating, dangerous preventives that are said to do more harm than the pests would, chemical laden environments, poor food quality, etc. As we become more educated about our own food needs and more concerned about where it comes from, and what is added to it (chemical preservatives, color dyes, artificial nutrients, GMO's, etc) we also start to educate ourselves on our furry friends' food. We're realizing we need change in order to keep them as healthy as we possibly can.

Food is a major contributor to our pets' health success – or failure. We should be able to trust that what we purchase is safe for our pets.... Unfortunately that's not always true. The massive number of recalls alone tells us we need to be more careful as guardians of our pets. The sources and ingredients for pet food is not always good either, even the best of the brands don't use "top quality, prime cuts", and they do include chemicals, and chemically laden grains, and they don't include the livers, the kidneys, the tripe etc. Wild dogs eat all of those parts and those parts have important natural nutrients for the dog’s body system. 

Foods are not what they used to be and it's showing in pet health of today compared to 50 years ago.  Allergies, IBD, Leaky Gut,  (and that in itself can cause auto-immune issues!) and even structural issues abound! ) , Cancer, chronic digestive issues, an absurd amount of skin issues, the list goes on and on, are becoming more and more common, almost epidemic. It's almost rare for a dog to not be affected by one or more of these issues. So what are the owners of these healthy dogs doing? We're searching and finding the answers! (I've personally found with all of my own dogs, that the more natural they are kept, the less health issues we have! We don't have allergy issues, or gut issues, or structural issues) ....there's definitely something to be said for keeping them as natural as possible then right?

Please learn how to effectively read the labels of anything that you give your pets. Look up the chemicals used in that ingredient list and research the side effects or dangers of that ingredient/additive/prescription. You might not be aware of the possibilities and would be better aware of what to watch for..

Gut health is the 1st line of defense to the overall well being of our pets, so a good thing to remember is to make it a top priority! If there is ever a gut issue OR if they ever have to be given an anti-biotic for ANYTHING, make sure you provide Digestive enzymes with probiotic. An anti-biotic can be necessary at any given time, but those same anti-biotcs that help a surgery recovery or other sort of recovery, ALSO kill all biomes, even the good (and NECESSARY)  microbiomes in the gut. It takes MONTHS for the proper balance to be restored, so make sure to help it along by giving it some help with a good digestive enzyme with probiotic added!

The IBD, diabetes, allergies, skin issues, cancer, etc are nearing epidemic levels in today's environment, both for pets as well as for us. If the proper nutrition is not supplied, a pet's body system, especially its immune system, will be affected, that's just common sense! Integrative vets (those trained in conventional medicine but then went beyond that into the specialized training of nutrition and natural care) are dealing with many of these issues that come their way from straight conventional care that failed the pet, and they have a good handle on the culprits: food, chemicals, and drugs. Even cancer, that has been touted as being a genetic issue, is 90-95%  from 'other' causes!

Around here we supplement our dogs with MSM and Sodium Asorbate (Vit C for dogs) Why? because each dog does make its own individual amount of "C”, but that amount varies greatly from one dog to the next! (Vit C blood saturation has been found at .02 for one dog vs .84 for another!!) Vit C is water soluble so it's easy to find the right level for each dog… give too much and the dog will get diarrhea, so give less next time...and no it's not toxic unless given in HUGE amounts for a LONG time) But as for MSM, here's an article that explains how important MSM is also important to mammals (our dogs AND humans!) ...both of these important nutrients are destroyed by high heat processes, such as the dog food rendering process) 

Dr Judy Morgan, DVM shares some of this info on the causes of many health issues of today

Something we can ALL do for our beloved pets to help fight the toxins in their life is to learn about the chemicals in their personal environment (yard and home) pollution, bad food sourcing, over processed kibble, what to add when that nutrient has been depleted by the production process, etc. We can also understand what to feed to help the body de-tox from all these toxins in their life. It's all about our willingness to learn more, to acknowledge that things aren't as easy or as "cut and dried" as we once knew them to be. The past 30-40 years have drastically changed things, not just for us, but for our pets too. Some changes were good but some others changed for the worst. Almost everything is heavily processed today, depleting it's natural nutritional values. We should take a step back and examine where we need to make changes in order to put their health back on track. 

Preventives are another common health problem, so PLEASE be aware of what you are shooting into, feeding into, or applying onto your pup! Read the ingredients, get to KNOW the chemicals that are in this stuff and ask what the side effects of those ingredients can be! Please be fully informed! Good health starts while they are here, but a big responsibility is on your shoulders  once they leave our home!

"New Medicine" .....When a drug is “newly approved”, it still is in the trial stage for 3 more years… (THREE YEARS!)… That means if you choose to use it during that stage you are basically agreeing to be part of the further experimental stage. Your pet has become part of the “trial and error” process, a guinea pig if you will, to see if it is safe for our pets!  …. ”In the first three years after approval, the FDA pays particularly close attention to adverse event reports, looking for any safety information that may emerge.” ....

Because of these possible side effects and because people choose to apply these toxins, we stopped guaranteeing against any side effects of any product you choose to use!)

The FDA is working with manufacturers of isoxazoline products to include new label information to highlight neurologic events because these events were seen consistently across the isoxazoline class of products."


Treatments for micro parasites such as giardia and coccidia 

The Micro-parasites Giardia and Coccidia seem to be the hardest to diagnose. Because they are so hard to diagnose, the tests are often thought to be negative and thus other things are thought to be the culprit of the symptoms, and the cycle of none effective and often harsh prescriptions begin and the body is in danger of further damage, not only from the persistence of the parasite, which is damaging in itself, but then the chemical overload has begun, and the damage to the gut system begins. Once you've damaged the gut, all kinds of issues will come up! If you have brought your dog in for loose stool or upset tummy issues and nothing else seems to be working, and the test result came back negative for giardia, it doesn’t mean it’s not there, it just means it didn’t show up in the test .... that is how it usually works! Here is an article that gives a lot more info on it…..  The good news is that Giardia and Coccidia are easy to treat, and inexpensive as well! The natural treatments are my first 'go to' for any new pup showing upset tummy issues. These parasites are easy to treat and the ingredients can be found in most of our kitchens! (coconut oil, ground cloves, and MSM powder or flakes.


Most issues that arise later in their lives are actually from years of accumulation of all the toxins put together. I have very old dogs, but they've been kept as natural as I can keep them, and so they don't have those issues that are typically chalked up to "old age". 

Nutrition: As stated earlier, the gut is the number 1 consideration to their health! Watch that nutritional and medicinal intake! Go ahead and add healthy human grade foods, (especially meats!) to a healthy choice of kibble! They'll love it and their body will too. What they eat makes a huge difference in their overall health. Ask yourself: is the diet (and any supplements or meds you feed) beneficial to the gut? or destructive to the gut? This article gives you 7 factors that cause the decline of gut health and thus will cause a decline in the over all health of your dog.... A healthy gut is of utmost importance! ...



....Although the following quote regarding healthy foods choices is from a people Dr, it does say a lot: “It’s great that we can perform these procedures [surgery and other corrective procedures] if we have to… But it is better to prevent them,” writes Dr. Ostfeld."...Your pet's diet will determine his/her health in so many ways. They need us to make wise decisions in order to maximize their health and longevity. The best genetics can be of moot point if they're not given proper nutrition. Health issues arise when lifestyles and food quality are not taken into account. Here is a link to better understand the importance of nutrition

I would like to stress the importance of natural forms of vitamins in fresh food sources or natural supplements, they are absorbed better by the dogs system. I understand that not everyone is cut out to feed the all natural raw diet, but it's possible for us all to give natural supplements to our dogs along with a good quality kibble. Contrary to popular belief (which by the way, is formed from advertisers of Commercial food!) I believe that healthy table scraps of meat and veggies (avoid the carbs) in addition to a healthy commercial diet is GREAT for your dog if you feed it like you would your child, in other words; with nutritional knowledge, care, and concern. ...i.e. watch the nutrients, no cooked bones, and give them a balanced meat based (not grain based) diet, etc. Read ingredient labels (1st five ingredients are SO important!) look for ancient grains instead of corn and rice, and educate yourself on the difference between healthy scraps vs bad food or junk.

Some pet-owners notice changes in their animals after using different batches of the same brand of pet food. (recalls happen all the time!) Pets may have diarrhea, increased flatulence, a dull hair coat, intermittent vomiting or prolonged scratching. These are common symptoms associated with commercial pet foods and may be allergies to the most common and most prominent ingredients:corn & soy. If your dog shows any sign of coat/skin or any allergic type of problem, check your food, it may be the problem. switch it to one with ancient grains, the reaction to the corn or corn gluten could be the problem! 

We recommend staying away from a food that contains corn, white rice or soy. When feeding kibble, look for "ancient grains. The two most found in foods are sorghum and millet. Ancient grains are whole grains that have not changed over the last centuries like our common grains and have. Ancient grains are more nutrient dense!


Please thoroughly research your choice of dog foods. Not all are as bad as others so PLEASE read up and research your preferred brand! Here are articles (also found on our "puppies" page) I think all dogs owners should read: and here is a site for home made foods that also has links for training and other topics!

Our dogs get the best of both worlds. Our parent dogs and grandparent dogs are still here with us for the most part (only a few have been re-homed) and are still as healthy as when they were younger. We keep them as natural as possible though! If you have health issues, you might want to look into what the pup has been given from the time it came home to you. Overdoing it with 'chemical this' and 'chemical that', WILL have a negative effect on the over-all health! PLEASE refrain from over chemicalizing your pup! Your first approach to ANY issue should be a natural approach and only when that doesn't work should you resort to a more chemical approach.


We add fresh meats, veggies and Sodium Ascorbate to the dogs' diet. They get left overs, especially the meat scraps, everything except the cooked bones. All our dogs get Diatomaceous Earth as well as ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) twice yearly, as natural forms of parasite control without using toxic poisons. I rarely have to use any of those harsh chemicals, I avoid those as much as possible with our own dogs. This has made a huge difference in our dogs over-all well being and quality of life as they enter their geriatric years as it keeps their systems clear of parasites and allows full absorption of the nutrients, all without administering chemical toxins! With this all natural maintenance, we rarely have to use any chemical treatments at all. We're constantly researching, constantly learning in order to provide the best for our animals! 

Health practices The breakthroughs of surgeries and corrective procedures have come a long way in the last few decades, it's nothing short of amazing what they can do for injuries needing surgery now! (My sister's rescue dog has an artificial knee joint and my brother's pit bull has an artificial joint as well after a horrible accident that otherwise would have required euthanizing).

      I appreciate my vets more than they will ever know for their expertise and knowledge. It truly is team work to keep our animals in optimal health and safety. In addition to my conventional vet, I also practice natural rearing as much as possible to keep the immune system at maximum, the toxin levels to a minimum, and only use the conventional practices as needed. For instance a corrective surgery if there were to be an accident (or a swallowed toy!) or puppy exams and core vaccines.

       I believe in giving the dogs and my family the best I can give them. By using both conventional AND natural we get the best of both worlds.

       I have a tremendous admiration, love and respect for this breed, it is my passion and I want to protect it. I am constantly studying genetics, nutrition, and alternative naturals to give the best that modern knowledge has, and I am personally able to offer. 

       I love this breed, why would I stop learning about ALL options in order to continue improving the healthcare of them?                                                    

One of our past pups, Kosmo  (dog on the Left) and a buddy skijoring in Alaska. Proper health from conception into adulthood makes for a strong healthy fun life!

Puppy care affects the future years

Nature is unpredictable so I not only require a "Well Puppy Exam" with your vet to make sure things get off to a good start, but I also encourage all puppy owners to PROPERLY SUPPLEMENT their pups! Commercial, heavily processed foods are sorely lacking in what nature intended them to obtain from their food sources. At the very least, PLEASE add Sodium Ascorbate to their daily food. This is one VERY important nutrient that supports a strong structural growth (ligaments, tendons, connective tissues) and supports the immune system as well....VERY important! Keep up what we've started here for them and they just might be as active and healthy in the senior years as ours are! 

---------------   The importance of Vit C for your pup

I don’t think ANY health practitioner will argue the important role vit c plays in the developing the formation of teeth, bones, joints and connective tissues…. However they often argue that dogs synthesize their own, therefore vit c doesn’t have anything to do with the malformation of the bones and connective tissues and other health issues such as the common immune issues!…. BUT… What if your dog is one of those that does NOT produce ENOUGH? Blood draws have found that some dogs aren’t producing ANY, while other dogs produce plenty…. (some have shown a ZERO amount in blood tests for vit c saturation!! This is often attributed to very heavy stress on the body such as a surgery. Stress is the number one reason of vit c depletion)…..But it’s also been found that there is a HUGE difference from one average dog to the next  – (for example:  one dog may only produce a slight amount of .02 saturation and another dog produces plenty in the amount of  .84 saturation!) I won't take the risk, I'll supplement! (Sodium Ascorbate is the only form of C that I support for dogs



I also encourage owners to not double up on shots (such as: any vaccine within 3 weeks of a rabies is a huge no no! ..   .And to help your pup after any vaccine I recommend "cleansing" his/her system of the toxins that come with every vaccine. Here is a product called anti-vaccinosis from a Dogs Naturally Market:  It cleanses the system of the preservative toxins without affecting the benefits of the viruses the vaccines contain...Also of concern is any of our pups/dogs being vaccinated when they're not completely healthy... Even the recommendations on the vaccine info sheets say that ONLY healthy pups/dogs should get vaccinations. If you have brought your pup/dog in for itchy skin, or off his food, or is just "out of sorts", or simply "off his/her normal behavior", that is NOT the time for vaccinations!! Vaccinations are only for healthy patients. If a vaccine is given to even a slightly ill dog, this will effectively void your guarantee.  (this is part of our Guarantee requirement) and if you're worried about it, get the hip x-rays at 2 yrs of age, regardless of where or from whom you purchase your puppy. I also recommend all families to provide their growing puppy a daily source of "C" in the form of Sodium Ascorbate.

Responsibility for health care goes both ways. My vet charges about 200 for the x-rays, not bad when you consider vet costs for the life of the dog and this ability to avoid a misdiagnosis later on as your dog ages. A DNA health screen is also a good idea, the health screens also run about $200, but I see it as more than worth it.

​​**Added bonus; because older dogs' arthritis is often misdiagnosed as HD, these early Hip x-rays will help you avoid this misdiagnosis and not only save you a bundle, but will save your dog the wrong supplements/ medicine as your dog enters his/her senior years.  Get x-rays done at an early age, to identify or eliminate the HD factor later on in life, and remember to make sure your chosen breeder has this guarantee in place for you.

Natural care for puppies

Start them off right, feed what they need when they're growing, then adjust it as they level out as adults and then change it again when they enter their senior years and they'll be as healthy and happy as our own senior dogs!

These pups are our pups in their "day field" .....Lots of 'natural' space, with natural surface that avoids the unforgiving surface of concrete, is important for proper physical growth as well as mental health. This is the puppies' day area field where they explore and grow with a natural surface, plus they always have access to their room and night pen with all their toys to play with, play on,  and in and around..

...  So please choose your feeding style carefully, think "Gut Health" and add what they need. Research is the best thing you can do for your pet.Here's a good article for those who can't seem to get their dogs digestive system figured out in spite of many vet attempts at treating it:

When we stop and really THINK about it, their food is the key to many issues we run across. But the quality, of even the highest recommended commercial foods, isn't as it should be. After all, it's usually made up of the meat scraps from the processing of our own human food system right? And to bulk that up, to make it able to be "kibbled" and avoid the high cost of good meat sources, they usually use corn, rice or some other grain and even proteins, right? (peas or other legumes are often substituted as a source of protein) As for the grains: If you feed kibble, look for kibble that uses "ancient grains",  those are the most nutrient dense grains and have not been messed with over the centuries like our modern grains, especially corn and rice) Well everything that is usable/ sale-able for human consumption has been removed then, right? The organ meats: livers, gizzards, heart, even the tripe and tongue, is sold for human consumption,right? (I know, many are scoffing right now or wrinkling their noses, but it's true).Well that leaves very little for the pet food industry. (Avoid those that use meat by-products, that is the LOWEST form of the meat sources and  often even includes feet and feathers!) We've all heard about both sides of the topic concerning our own consumption options (Organic vs GMO) so we also can conclude that those issues are most likely there in dog food as well. The article above explains it in detail. It's an interesting read!

"Natural" dogs get their nutrients from ALL those protein sources, including the "insides" of their prey. But all of that is gone from the typical "pet food" ingredient list, not to mention the rendering process of kibble (which is EXTREME high heat) so we need to adjust for their need for it, because most pet foods do not add or cannot maintain all the nutrients of the raw form. 

............."When most of us humans think about 'organ meat' we scoff. Many humans don’t normally eat organ meat as a part of their daily diet, at least not in North America. However, organ meat for pets is not only essential, it can prove to be the difference in your dog’s overall health when feeding raw. 


Let's be honest, some things in our pet's food world (and even our own foods!) may need to change, but until then, we can research, learn what they might be missing, and add some things to their diet. If you can, feed RAW or BARF (Bones And Raw Food) or PMR (Prey Model Raw (PMR does not include veggies, fruit, or grains), but think about adding nutrients no matter what.  It's your choice, it's your pet's health. 


We all need to make our own decisions regarding chemicals, food choices, medical decisions for our pets. Those decisions will determine so much in our pets lives. Here is a good place to start: 

Natural Care Information
 I think health care maintenance of these awesome dogs should be as natural & toxin free as possible. Some side effects of the chemical options include neurologic adverse reactions, including muscle tremors, ataxia and seizures. Sometimes the pet doesn't recover! Studies on the reactions to different dog foods and other factors have shown that we need to be more careful of what we are feeding, the common treatments for pests, and the environment we ask them to live in. Remember what it was like when we were kids and everything was a little more natural and chemical free? Even allergies (in humans as well as our pets) were far less common than they are now a days! Dogs just seemed to live healthier, longer lives. But that's just my own families experience, others might disagree and that's ok, each has a right to their own experiences. But for every nay-sayer of natural health, there is another in favor of it with research to back it up... (licensed vets' research included on each side of the issue). Each individual has the right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their dog. As for me, using natural products as much as possible is our path. I keep ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar), Sodium Ascorbate, Colloidal Silver, and essential oils on hand at all times for both us and the dogs. (essential oils for the dogs is more resticted than our use though) and Wolf Creek Ranch carries many of the products I look for (link below) in addition to my veterinarian. The Wolf Creek Ranch natural products cover everything from meds, to shampoos, and flea treatments, detox for after deworming and vaccines, and even after exposure care, in case your dog is ever exposed to parvo or any other contagious illness!

In light of the dangers, the gamble if you will, of using chemical treatments for something as simple as fleas, we would not use chemicals! It'a risk we just don't want to take, so we use naturals. A great Flea treatment (and good for any biting pest) is "Flea Free Food Supplement". It is as simple as adding 2T to the big dogs' food every day, at least through the warmer seasons. Start about a month before it starts or feed year round! 

Naturals are our fist choice and we share our supplies with others whenever something comes up with friends animals as well! ​


**Example1: A friend's Welsh Corgi came down with vet confirmed Kennel Cough once and all the meds the vet was prescribing were super expensive and not doing much for her poor sweet Corgi. I suggested Wolf Creek Ranch products, she researched, then ordered their products, and he improved as soon as she started the herbal meds and was well within days, at a fraction of the vet costs!
**Example2: Another friend had her son bring home a stray puppy that turned very ill very quickly and they found it was Parvo. They don't have a lot of money (the vet wanted $1500 minimum to treat the pup with only a 50/50 chance at best), so I shared with her the information I've learned about the natural products found at Wolf Creek Ranch and the puppy made a quick recovery, was eating and drinking in 2 days, and is a very happy healthy dog years later!!! VERY happy ending!
(natural options are well worth looking into) (to leave that site, click your "back" button to return to this page)

Natural / Holistic Medicine education and research

is not funded by the big money donors of Pharmaceutical and dog food companies that fund the conventional medicine education.

Holistic schools rely on us, the pet owners for their funding support. Here’s How You Can Help to further advance the Holistic Medicine Education and Research.

To donate, go to the AHVMF website, click on Ways to Give on the top menu, and there you’ll find a number of different ways to make a donation. If you’re not comfortable donating online, scroll down to the bottom of the Ways to Give page, and you’ll see a Ways to Donate Online and Offline link.

It takes a little research to find the right vet for you. To each our own right? but "Settling" on one because it's the nearest or easiest for you isn't always what's best for your pet. It is always a personal choice, and I feel we all have the right to choose for ourselves, but please ask yourself this when you decide on a vet, ANY vet: Does the vet bully you? treat you as if your opinion doesn't matter? guilt trip you? push additional vaccines or even worse, insist on giving these vaccines to a sick pup or dog? (the caution inserts that accompany those vaccines caution AGAINST administering the vaccine to any dog that is NOT healthy to begin with!)  If any other those answers are YES, find another vet.

The conventional vet that listens to you, that doesn't bully, guilt or shame you, is a good one! Not all are bullies or closed minded! I have a conventional vet due to my area but they treat me as a team member in the care of my animals. They listen and work WITH me. If the only one near you is such a vet, don't hesitate to use them!

So find an open minded vet and you and your pet will be happy you did

** Education levels of the different vets: In addition to practicing basic allopathic medicine, Holistic and Integrative vets have taken advanced post-graduate courses and training to be qualified to practice holistic veterinary and integrative medicine. Their schooling is above and beyond! 

Here is a site that gives you a little more information than I can and even has a list of Holistic and Integrative vets at the bottom of the page. Scroll through it and find vets in your area! 

Socializing is important for their health as well! Each family is unique though, so socialize your pup to your lifestyle, to the life it will lead as an adult. Since each family is unique,

the type of Socialization needs will also be just as unique 

Natural care for puppies
Natural care for puppies

Vaccine safety: Don't  "over"  vaccinate! Get those core vaccines, but don't over do it! There is a common sense way of looking at everything, the vaccine issue is no different. One side doesn't do vaccines at all, (risky)  the other side vaccinates for everything/every year (also very risky)...... We practice SAFETY and do the core vaccines, but we don't over do it. 

Purdue University Studies have been linking "too many" vaccines to health issues including autimmune disorders, seizures, nerological issues, paralysis associated with neurological issues, and others. We have a vaccine schedule that we are very strict with because of these dangers. Seizures, autoimmune, and neurological issues seem to be at the top of the list.  

We do have a list of Holistic Vets in our Pacific NW area. From Eugene Oregon to Vancouver BC and in between. If you're interested, let us know and I'll send you this list. It is growing all the time as more and more of our amazing vets are expanding their tool box of knowledge to include the more natural and less chemical approach of keeping our pets healthy. 

Hip Dysplasia research, studies and information

Discovered in the 19402, and then Selective Breeding theory put into practice among the strictest kennels in the world. (think Champion dogs). those decades of breeding only those who pass the Hip tests of the world's top dogs still has not stopped HD from happening in those bloodlines! ....even the most strict breeding practices, after hundreds of generations of doing so still have pups that can't pass the screening.

To begin the process of understanding HD (badly formed joints), we must first understand the process it takes for the formation of HEALTHY joints....... Bones, and especially the ENDS of bones (the cartilage) and all the connecting tissues are crucial to the ease of movement. If the cartilage doesn't properly form, or the connective tissues aren't strong so as to hold the joints in proper placement, there will be issues with the joint areas, thus HD becomes an issue.


Cartilage is the tough yet flexible connective tissue found in the joints, trachea, ears and nose, among other places. In the joints it covers the ends of bones, providing cushioning and shock absorption and allowing bones to slide over each other during articulation. Cartilage serves both structural and protective functions.

Collagen is very strong and forms bone, cartilage, skin, and tendons.  It is a crucial matrix component of articular cartilage. Because articular cartilage is a load bearing tissue, developing mechanical integrity is a central goal of tissue engineering. 

Vit C is a crucial element for the formation of BOTH Cartilage and Collagen, so if a dog doesn't make ENOUGH for itself, joint issues are a high risk if you're not supplementing what they cannot supply for themselves. (some  dogs make barely a small amount of .02 milligrams, while others make plenty of.84 milligrams per 100 cubic centimeters of blood, that is a HUGE difference! ....And some stressed dogs have been found to make ZERO when they're sick, or had surgery, or physically stressed (working dogs) or mentally stressed by leaving their family, or a relocation, a death of a loved one,etc)

Most people know that vitamin C is important for the immune system and fighting off colds and other infections. But many DON'T know that it also plays a major role in the health of your connective tissue, as well as being necessary for the production of collagen.  According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, one of vitamin C's main functions is to repair and maintain bones, teeth and cartilage".

So given all the information of these three things that are so crucial to each other, why would some assume their dog most definitely does NOT need it supplemented? Did they get the blood tested to check the level of Vit C saturation? .... Do they know that not all dogs make enough, especially when stressed (leaving their 1st home, their siblings and their mother, vaccines, the fast growth stage, surgeries, etc are all forms of stress) And some more even produce ZERO Vit C when ill!  


Despite the selective breeding theory that has been in place for almost 80 years now, (that's 40+ generations of dogs!!!), there has been barely a dent made in the HD issue. 80 years! Even the most highly pedigreed dogs, (from 10, 15, 20 or more generations of CH lines, with strict breeding requirements) have not been able to eradicate it from their lines! So that theory is NOT working  ...So, given these facts, we must understand that something else needs be factored in.After all even the 'Excellent' rated dogs are still producing HD pups! Even still today, two excellent parents can produce HD pups, (still the same 10 - 30 % chance) so something isn't working in that "selective" theory. For example, CH lined dogs, (European lines) have to be rated for several things, including hips before they can even be accepted as breed stock, yet many of these dogs still  have produced HD pups. Even CH bloodlines for top breeders! So this brought up some doubts for many of us. When studying the data, we notice it's not working. And blaming the non-champion ones for this is also not the answer. If it were, then the 'selectively bred CH lines' would never produce an HD pup, right? Yet they still do....

Several studies now tell us there are more things to consider, so now that we know more, we do more. 30 years into the theory of selective breeding, when no serious improvements had fixed the the issue, more research was done by a 'think outside the box' type of veterinarian who felt there was more to it than simply selecting two good parents (after all, that wasn't working!), so he (Dr Belfield, DVM) started a Sodium Ascorbate supplementation on pregnant bitches who were known to have had HD litters in the past. (He also used HD affected dogs to breed litters, as well as breeding one HD clear and one HD affected dog parents). In his findings when breeding these dogs and supplementing with Sodium Ascorbate, he found that they produced HD CLEAR pups! NONE of the pups produced showed any  HD....

Curiosity got the better of me and so I started the deeper research into this topic, using other sources, other vets, other researchers, other studies, and found others too had come to the same conclusion within their research!

So now I (starting in 2018)  supplement every pregnant mom AND her pups with Sodium Ascorbate just as they did in the studies, and I   require that all of my pups get Sodium Ascorbate (not just any form of C, as we were ok with in the past, but strictly Sodium Ascorbate!) at least until 2 yrs of age. 


There are basically two theories regarding the Hip Dysplasia topic, and information is constantly being reviewed.....

To help a person understand exactly what HD is, let's first examine the definition of "Hip Dysplasia" which means 'badly grown hip'.... Dysplasia comes from the Greek words ‘dys’ (meaning bad or abnormal), and ‘plasia’ (meaning growth). If you break it down into it's individual elements, the answer could be right in front of us! That means this condition happens during the developing and growth stage, and that goes right along with the knowledge that x-rays will diagnose whether there is a condition related to growth or not when done at 2 yrs old (environmental factors are finally being seen as a HUGE importance now as well. Because it hasn't been stopped no matter the theory of 'selective breeding' being applied to reputable lines for DECADES, even the highest pedigreed-tested-selectively bred and tested dogs, from decades of generations of the same highest honored bloodlines in the world STILL produce HD offspring, and because they have STILL not found a gene for it, (are they even LOOKING?) other factors are now being taken more seriously).
That said, there are two opinions that really "bash heads" over it, (but then so do the breeders over the different "types" LOL.. It must be Human nature to bash heads?) ....and unfortunately the non researched, uninformed common public opinions make it even more misunderstood, so I've included a few links (highlighted below for your convenience) to the research that supports this ignored side of the topic. These informative links are not just the general public's opinion, nor just mine, but rather are the findings of experts: the well established modern breeders, biochemists, vets and researchers.

    These more modern studies point to the fact that there is more to it than was once thought to be in the old days. They've proven that there are other factors and possible preventive measures,(see early spay and neuter info above, as well as diet and VitC additives) and that surgery or euthanasia are NOT the only options if a dog should have this horrible thing, and that yes there is a link between a lack of ascorbic acid and the formation and strength of the joints and surrounding supportive tissues while growing. (look up "Vitamin C and growing joint health") ~ [Vit C] "helps the body make collagen, an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, (these things hold the joints together!) and blood vessels. Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth. Source: Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) | University of Maryland Medical Center 

My personal view is somewhere in between the old and the new: I think it could be the lack of ability to MAKE their own vit.C from the modern foods they are fed (most modern pet foods contain very little, or no organ meats at all and the meats that ARE used are of the lowest quality, not the prime cuts that dogs used to get from their family's plates and have been "rendered" (SUPER high temperatures kill almost EVERY nutrient). It makes sense. Early altering is believed to be another cause of this condition, as it removes the hormones that are key to proper skeletal growth, and can cause a "leggy" dog prone to HD, CCL conditions, and even bone cancer. (see more info here:

Because we know that some dogs do not make enough Vit C, it stands to reason that their bones/joints could suffer, right?
 Scurvy in dogs has been reported(Garlick, 1946; Meier et al., 1957; Holmes, 1962; Hunt, 1962; Vaananen and Wikman, 1979; Kolb, 1984) 

And here is a modern case of a dog with low enough Vit c production that it had scurvy

No matter the opinions of either side, it has been proven that without this important nutrient (or not enough of it) the joints will suffer as they grow.   (Dys~plasia definition: bad or abnormal~growth)

Since there are many who negate any nutritional link to HD, and since I am not a biochemist or a scientific researcher, (just an average person like everyone else, but with an avid interest in the studies) I've shared several places that can give you more info:



 "Ignoring proven scientific evidence, the “Heredity Theory” will be “frozen in time” from the last millennium, the last century, the 1940’s. Since there have not been [significant] reductions in instances of CHD via “selective breeding" and OFA confirmations, it is obvious this procedure has failed for the past sixty plus years. There has been positive results, in preventing CHD, by incorporating nutritional dietary protocols into daily rations that proves the condition to be biochemical, not hereditary.

 "Much to my surprise, many veterinary practitioners are not aware of these publications on these new observations of CHD. Does this mean that some canines are still being euthanized? We have known about CHD since 1945, and the “experts” [recommendations of x-raying the parents] have failed to solve this problem. To fail only gives rise to a new beginning and a fresh approach to new concepts.."   

 This is a frequently debated topic, probably always will be since there are no studies debunking the Sodium Ascorbate works,  for various reasons I suppose. It was studied and was successful when it was tried in small studies (40 years ago in the 1970s) and the Selective Breeding theory is even older (1950s at least, and 7 decades later still  hasn't cleared even the most meticulously tested lines!) Because of how this topic still stands as unresolved, it would be each individuals CHOICE to supplement "C" (by the form of Sodium Ascorbate since it was the form used in the successful trials) or not. Because I choose to do so, that is my choice. 


NOTE: Dr. Wendell O. Belfield was a veterinary doctor and pioneer in promoting wholesome foods for pets. He had a successful veterinary practice in San Jose, California, where he dedicated his professional life to improving orthomolecular therapies for small animals.

Dr. Belfield’s clinical knowledge served as the catalyst for enhanced nutritional products, successfully addressing ineffective conventional treatment protocols for many animal diseases. Through trial and error, he developed combinations of nutrients that are indicated for specific disease processes, and conducted research to establish the efficacy of his treatments.

Dr. Belfield is the author of several books on the benefits of vitamins and minerals for pet health, and numerous articles published in international veterinary journals and magazines. Dr. Belfield also contributed a chapter on ‘Orthomolecular Medicine: A Practitioner’s Perspective’ in the veterinary textbook, “Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Principles and Practice” (Mosby, 1997)

More on Dr Belfield from the ISOM (International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine 

  • His book on canines: Belfield WO, Zucker M (1981) How to Have a Healthier Dog: The Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals for your Dog’s Life Cycles. 

I have saved a lot of his information as it seems many of it is disappearing. He had the "out of the box",  - "there MUST be a better way" type of thinking and I admire that. We MUST not get stuck when trying to improve!  

About Vit C, from yet another site: (Remember, we use ONLY Sodium Ascorbate because it doesn't upset the tummy) This is a PDF and you will need to copy and paste the link or it won't work:


Vitamin C does 300 different jobs in the bodies of animals, including humans. One of the most important is collagen production. If you think of cells as bricks, collagen would be the mortar. Without enough collagen, you can't build muscle tissue. You can't build bone, either, because collagen forms the honeycomb holding the minerals in place in bones. Furthermore, it's possible to have not quite enough vitamin C to manufacture quality collagen. Weak collagen builds weak muscles and bones.
A second function of ascorbic acid is to cope with the effects of stress. It does this by nourishing the adrenal glands and by helping the body produce its own cortisone, which combats histamines produced by dying cells. A rat can multiply its vitamin C output tenfold when stressed. Humans can't make any at all, much less increase it, so we must eat all that our bodies need or supplement our diets. Apparently, our ancestors ate huge amounts of fruit containing vitamin C, so unlike most animals, our livers didn't develop the ability to turn glucose into ascorbic acid. Dogs are poor producers.of vit c. [
And stress or illness demands MORE, yet if the individual dog already doesn't make enough, it WILL NEED supplements of 'C']  A goat can make five times the vitamin C produced by a dog of equal size. A rat, small as it is, makes nearly four times the vitamin C produced by a full-grown dog.

I hate the term "conventional wisdom." Too often, it means "believing what everybody else believes, no matter how foolish, for fear of being ridiculed."



We believe in examining the research on both sides of a topic. We have yet to see a study that took these findings on Vit C, and proved them wrong [by using proven studies, not just opinions]. Until this theory is dismissed with actual studies, we will continue to provide the extra C to our young dogs, our pregnant females and our new pups. It cannot hurt and can have tremendous benefits if this simple practice is continued throughout the growth stages of the dog!

Many other breeders are finding the same information helpful  and are applying it to their breeding programs, and getting the same successful results. Here is a Labrador breeder that puts the information in layman's terms.


Heredity of HD

Another very important fact, often not shared and even denied by some, is that even HD free parents can and do produce offspring that will get it. The myth, that just because mom and dad are certified clear of dysplasia means the puppies won't get it, IS FALSE. (see above links for studies that proved this falsehood) Both parents can have certified excellent hips and still have hip dysplastic puppies, and 2 certified dysplastic parents can have perfectly clear puppies. Just because a parent dog is not dysplastic does not mean it's offspring will be clear. This is why I start the pups off on Vit C and would like all my families to continue the VitC and get their pups hips x-rayed. That theory has proved false, so what else can we do? We can take precautions!! Sodium Ascorbate is used by many breeders, of many breeds, and is used with huge success, so "why not?" is my question! 
Every breeder should have a guarantee in place for HD, and we do. Anyone that tells you that a puppy won’t get this just because the parents are clear (and yes, ours are good) is not telling you the whole truth. Each and every individual dog can have this, no matter what the lineage. Pedigrees that have no recorded HD in the family lines are good gambles (like ours and a lot of others) but many dogs are "put down" without records, pups from certain lines are 'culled' without records, so we cannot and do not have the full picture of ANY line *(there is always a chance that any dysplastic pups from any lineages may not have been recorded and could have been destroyed (as was a common practice, with the old belief that only the dysplastic dogs carry the gene, which we now know as false and also sad for those poor pups! We now know euthanasia didn't need to happen to them).


Even though we're learning a lot more, faster than ever before, we are still excited for the day that a DNA test for this gene is found! What a great day that will be! Maybe they need to start looking for the gene that affects vit C production since the variation in that ability varies to a HUGE extent!? Maybe. Hopefully soon we will have a DNA test though!

The environment plays a huge role as well. With the new trend of crating a pup for many hours during the day, this is a potential problem!! PLEASE don't crate them for long periods of time!) The availability to undulating terrains with plenty of room to properly exercise in their first 3 months, has been shown to positively influence the development of these joints. .... (surprising to me is it is true even with predisposed subjects! ....It is also believed, through these studies and by studying breeds with different growth rates, that the growth rate and weight have no bearing on this (**Use common sense of course! Obesity or lack of nutrients to support healthy growth is damaging in any species!!)  This  one sums it up with this quote: "If you're buying a pup, put it on the C the moment you take it home. There's no sense risking hip dysplasia just because absolute proof hasn't yet been established or [taken] seriously" 

          Given the knowledge we now have of how the formation and growth of hips happen, and what strong joint growth requires (cartilage, tendons, ligaments, the very things that hold the joints together and keeps them healthy!) and then the added fact that not all dogs produce ENOUGH of their own C, why would a person shrug off the benefits of VitC?, why would a pet owner not give it?

Here is another article I just found..(in 2018)...

 In it it explains the other factors and how the "selective" breeding has not done enough, in fact it has barely scraped the surface. ..."Joint laxity is the primary cause of hip dysplasia. Puppies are born with perfect hips, and if the hips do not develop laxity the dog does not develop hip dysplasia (Riser 1985). Joint laxity occurs when the head of the femur does not fit snugly into the acetabulum. This could be the result of traumatic injury, overloading of the joint by weight, lack of muscle strength, or adductor forces (e.g., bringing the legs together). Joint laxity is the primary factor that predisposes a dog to the development of hip dysplasia." (Now revisit what Vit C does for the formation and maintenance of the connective tissues: [Vit C] "helps the body make collagen, an important protein [ ], cartilage, tendons, ligaments, (these things hold the joints together!)).... Find this interesting? I DO!! 

The selective breeding theory has made ridiculously tiny progress, it's not nearly enough, given the time it has had now (almost 80 years!) to show some good effective progress. If the selective breeding were the culprit, and only those dogs who are graded as excellent/good or fair were bred, all the highly pedigreed dogs would not be affected with HD anymore right? If that theory were true only non CH lined, not selectively bred dogs would be the ones with HD. However that is FAR from the truth. It shows up in even the highly pedigreed, 'strictly selectively bred for several generations' dogs.... So what is it? Why some dogs and not others? In addition, researchers now have been searching for the gene, but have not been able to find one.("The genes that cause hip dysplasia remain a mystery.....I hope that some day soon that gene WILL be found! Until then, I give mine Sodium Ascorbate as a safety measure against HD.

Much more widely extended research must be done, and other factors need to be considered and applied if we intend to prevent this from continuing into the future. Why they won't even TRY to find the gene that determines the ability to make vit C is confusing to me, given all the importance of this vitamin to the development, maintenance, and repair of bone and joints. 

Many believe that genetics could play a role in the lack of Vit C made by an individual dog. Why? Because studies regarding the lack of Vit D have linked it to gene variants, so why not look for the gene for Vit C production now as well? …..  “ Three common gene variants [..]were associated with vitamin D deficiencies. The researchers found that the more of these variants an individual had, the greater the risk of having low vitamin D levels.

In fact, individuals who had inherited several of the gene variants, and who fell in the highest quartile in the group, had a two-and-a-half times increased risk of having a [low]  blood vitamin D concentration [ ] when compared with those [ ] who had fewer of these gene variants and were at a lower risk.” .... So now that we're entering the times of DNA studies for health, I hope they move on to the pets as well, and search for gene(s) that affect the production of this important vitamin.

I feel the old successful studies should be revisited and taken back to the "table" so we can find more answers. Is there a gene that affects the ability to make enough Vit C? I hope so! They've found on that affects the human's ability regarding vit D, so why not a dog's ability for vit C? ....  Here is a question I would LOVE to get an answer to: "WHY, in Belfield's experiments, didn't those that were fed Sodium Ascorbate get HD?" Their parents had it,so why didn't the offspring get it if 'affected parents' are the culprit? And "Why do dogs that come from good Hip rated dogs get it"? Way too many unanswered questions for it to be treated as a "cut and dried" topic. 80+ years, 40 + generations should have been more than enough time to clean this out of the dogs.  

I feel that the studies and research of those successful ones in the past need to be brought out again, and hopefully DNA screening can be utilized as well this time.

...SOOO many questions that are not being answered! Yet, anyway

So think of it.... One theory is based on a 1940s era decision, it has had more than ample time to erase it from the breed (or at least from the many MANY generations of the "selectively bred" lines). ....and the other is based on research and small studies that were done that finds dogs differ greatly in their ability to make a crucial vitamin, a vitamin that is responsible for the strength of these body parts.

In my opinion, in this modern day it's almost barbaric to not consider the more recent of the two findings might have merit! Some vets today aren't even AWARE of the trials and their findings. Ask your vet about the Vit c findings. When you're told dogs make their own C from a healthy diet", then ask what would happen if a dog did NOT make enough? (the variance can be HUGE!! One test found that one dog might get a pitifully low rating of .02 blood saturation and another could be as high as as .84!)

Just as in other things throughout history, mankind often scoffs at and ridicules new discoveries that challenge their old ways. (example: hand washing between patients was once ridiculed!) It's barbaric to ignore the possibility that the older belief could be lacking important information. After all, in over 80 years even the highest pedigreed dogs, from many, many generations of strictly selective breeding of healthy HD free dogs to other healthy HD free dogs, those bloodlines STILL have the chance of producing HD pups! This tells us that something about that old theory is NOT working. (And because even the most highly and strictly selectively bred lines still have it tells us that It isn't just the "backyard breeders" fault as you might hear. (I don't condone them, but we can't blame just them either) If it were, then the selectively chosen, carefully bred CH lined, those carefully and selectively bred dogs would be clear of ever producing an HD pup, right? Yet it's still there, even in those "strictly controlled" lines)...


In any case, either get the blood test done to check Vit C saturation (expensive) or take the precaution and supplement Sodium Ascorbate to your pup from day one. **more research is now finding that early spay and neuter is depriving dogs of key hormones that are important for the skeletal growth of the dog, so if it's at all possible, this should be put off for at least the first full year, the later the better if possible...but of course take into consideration the risk factor of unwanted pregnancies!!! If you are in a high risk area for loose running, unaltered dogs thus running the risk of unwanted "OOPS litter", please do get yours altered, but at least be aware of the health risks of that as well.

......If you have a dog, especially a large breed, ANY large breed, this will be very informative for you and will encourage you to make sure your dog gets vit c in the form of Sodium Ascorbate (this is the ONLY form that was used in the successful trials) from the moment your dog comes home to you and encourage you to get your pup/dog x-rayed at 2 years, no matter who you get your pup from, or which large breed you choose.


Remember the experiments and research that found that even the 'predisposed' subjects (litters from HD affected parents) grew naturally strong and HD clear when given the proper amounts of Sodium Ascorbate throughout the pregnancy and then on through the growth stages.  There have been no tests to debunk this. No one else has tried it. Until there are, I will continue to give my own their 'c' supplement. Why not?

So why does Vit C work? People just use it for colds right? ...Well there's a LOT more to C than most people know! So what does Vit C do? What is it's purpose in the body? SO many reasons it's important, but let's focus on structure since that is what this is about ....

Vit C is crucial for structural growth!

So if you know the purpose of Vit C, this makes perfect sense: (think joints).....

"Vit C is necessary for the production, formation, and maintenance of collagen, and that collagen is the cement for the connective tissues. (joints!)  "Collagen is the “honeycomb” into which the minerals are deposited to form bone and bind the muscles,  ligaments, and tendons. It is the substance that gives them strength and structure!" (*pg 54

Gelatin plus Vit C …. "Collagen provides the infrastructure of the musculoskeletal system.... Vit C helps the body produce collagen", and "collagen is a key constituent of your connective tissues, such as tendons, ligaments and cartilage"

Without this vitamin, or not enough of it, it's reasonable that those things will be poorly constructed, loose, and weak.


As mentioned above, there is the HUGE variance of the ability to make their own, so that should also make a person wonder. Blood tests for vit c saturation (*pg 52) have shown a tremendous variation of individual dogs’ abilities to produce vit C: tests have shown that one dog might only produce a barely scarce amount of only .02 saturation whereas another produces a good amount  of .84 saturation! … That is a HUGE difference! The one producing such a low amount would definitely be suffering the consequences in the dog’s structure! In addition to all of that, stress rapidly depletes the level of C, so if a body is stressed from illness or other reasons, their need for the C will be that much greater......

Now, when a dog cannot produce enough of this nutrient on it's own, what do YOU think might be the out come? .....

The pg References that do not have a link are from : How to Have a Healthier Dog / The Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals For Your Dog's Life Cycles



When doing your own research, be careful to follow actual experts' findings, not just general public opinions on this topic, (or any topic for that matter). Also know that if you share the info you find, you could be ridiculed! I have been! On a public forum! However, that negativity caused us to grow SO MUCH! After that I started sharing the actual links that brought me to those opinions, (I noticed too that the one that ridiculed brought no research to the table to support their opinions) So don't be afraid to research and to form your own opinion on ANY topic! The opinions that are not backed up by links to the professional's research or long term experience on a topic are just that, just opinions. Studies' findings should always accompany opinions in order for the opinion to be considered viable. ......

Basically, you will find two different types of search results when first stepping into researching anything, but especially health/nutrition topics: one type of search result will be from the general public, from a couple of public forums with their various public opinions, .... the other type pf search result will be from professional researchers, vets, and long established breeders that have actual documented findings on the topic. I personally choose to follow the later.

Remember, a closed mind restricts education, it cannot see all possibilities if the door to knowledge is closed.


So you see, there are definitely two sides to the issue of HD, so you need to decide for yourself. There are studies to show the preventions do work, thus I don't understand why someone would NOT take the precautions since those precautions don't do any harm and aren't that inconvenient... but that's just my own opinion. There is a lot of research on this if you care to do the leg work. As it is, HD is believed by some to be avoidable, minimized or controllable by adding supplements containing Sodium ascorbate. (It MUST be Sodium Ascorbate, no other form of Vit C was used in the successful trials!). Because it can be so hotly debated, the best thing to do is to select good clean lines and give the Sodium Ascorbate (form of Vit C) and MSM because these two are CRUCIAL to the formation and maintenance of joints and their connective tissues, but are NOT added to commercial foods,  as added preventive care measure throughout the rapid growth period at least.

We all wait for the day when there will be a DNA test that can identify this gene and thus we will be able to eliminate this forever.

Hopefully that day comes soon!

Until then, give Sodium Ascorbate and do the x-rays at 2 years old! 

Sometimes keeping an open mind to new information helps everyone concerned, but especially everyone in the future. So get ready and I hope you've "put your hip waders on" (I like that term, thank you to the person who used it to describe my website! LOL) to filter through everything, all the while using a little common sense along with it, and you will go a long way in expanding your knowledge.


The more open minded we are, the more we learn, and thus the better our futures will be.

Health and Nutritional care is FAR more involved than just selecting a good bag of food.

Always remember, you need to know all sides in order to be fully informed!

For more information about us, our dogs, our belief in natural care vs chemical care, and lots more on just about everything, contact us (  ) and we'll be happy to share! We are always in the process of upgrading and updating, but will take time out of our day for you! Thank you for your patience and I hope this is entertaining as well as informative and educational for all dog owners!

A slide show of some of our photos for you to enjoy

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