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One of my females once seemed to exhibit an 'air of distrust'. She didn't have her usual friendly attitude and so I felt I should keep her under a careful watch and to keep them from trying to touch her/pet her when she clearly wasn't at ease with them. ..... I don't know what caused it, but her reaction was directed towards one of these people below.


Get to know your dog's usual demeanor around people, if something seems "off" there is most likely a good reason for it. Their senses are FAR more in tune than ours are, so trust your dog. If it isn't comfortable around someone, you need to beware as well.  


This page is our equivalent to a 'complaints page'.

In the more than a decade we've been doing this, we've had 3 complaints brought to us.

The 1st one was a doozy in that a lot of lies were spread about us on a public forum that we couldn't put our side into....Thankfully we keep all records of correspondence, so even though we could not not address our side of how we handled that complaint on that public forum (back in 2013, labeled "Help!!!!" on a GSD  site), the emails are below if anyone is interested in reading about that one. We bent over backwards for that person, to no avail when she didn't get the reg papers for free (she opted for the 'no papers' price of 450)


   Although our world is filled with good people, there will always be those that will be angry and hurtful to others. This "mean stuff" happens all the time in the world, but learn from it all and stay resilient, be patient with others, look for both sides on any story, and always be fair minded. When dealing with as many people as we do, there are bound to be negatives, (it is nature after all) so instead of pretending they aren't there, we've given them this page so you can see how we try our best to comply and how any complaints that are brought to us are handled. I try very very hard to keep my families happy, to help them through any problems of training or otherwise, and in some cases, to honor our Guarantee.  

One thing I promise to all my families: if any one of my puppy families have a concern about anything, I encourage them to bring it to me, to submit the necessary documents, and I'll make it right, we'll get through it together, I won't desert you. I'm fully aware that we're dealing with nature and it's imperfections, no matter how we try to control the odds. So don't worry, the incidents of imperfections are VERY few and far between.  And it only gets better as we have access to more advanced technology of DNA screenings that we didn't have back then. We're very careful to screen all our parent dog prospects LONG before breeding them!   

I have always, and will ALWAYS work with my puppy families, for the lifetime of their pups! Just as I tried to work with these ones below. I do my best and I like the feeling of helping others, especially when these pups of ours are the connection to the family needing help. 


Please be aware that people can make false claims and most people wouldn't know the claims were false. If you hear negative stuff about a person or a business (ANY person or business, not just me), ask "what that business did to make it right?" A good and ethical business will try very hard to make it right, they might even take a loss for PR sake, after all they DEPEND on their reputation right? If the person complaining didn't reach out to the business or person, then how can things even have a chance to be made right? Is the complaint even real then? Is it a matter of the owner responsible for it thus not asking the business to make it right? Lots of questions need to be asked to find the truth and then the answer.

After what we've gone through over the many years, the blame for damage caused by injuries while in the owners care were never mentioned, the lack of admitting how we helped and honored our guarantee agreement, the money we've sent out to help those who said they couldn't afford to have something important done, the outright false information that excluded all mention of contract they signed and the efforts we put out there to make sure they're happy, etc etc,....  In one case the words in a public forum were helpful to me in the long run though. It was when one commented that they "need hip waders for the  website" and "it [the info] is just her opinion, not facts"... OUCH!!... But luckily that taught me to include the experts' sources for the info!  I turned the negatives into a positive!   Our website is far different now from the old original thanks to that painful comment.


So.. on to the complaints: (the 2 possible health related ones were refunded their money..... the 3rd one simply got his AKC paperwork (LIMITED) without spaying the female pup (as is required by the purchase agreement he signed). Sometimes it's just better to walk away and wash your hands of the whole thing, so I did)

1st one is in regards to a heart murmur of grade I -"possibly" grade II - the pup named "Nox" (the half refund) You REALLY need to read the emails below to understand THIS one! 

2nd one is in regards to a nail issue

3rd .. This one demanded Full reg "or else" 

Quick SUMMARY of all 3:

1st) Nox's case, came after I answered the request for his papers. (he had been purchased as "No Papers- $450). I was willing to change the terms and the price to the same agreement and price others had chosen if they wanted the papers.( She was training him in SchH (said he was doing GREAT) and wanted to get him registered). Sounded good to me so I told her how we could change the purchase agreement to accommodate her. She didn't want that, she didn't want to pay for the papers, she thought having him in SCHh training and getting him titled would be a feather in OUR cap) and we communicated back and forth a couple of times, then it was just dropped..... Shortly after that I got an email from her regarding a murmur that had been found (he was 7 mo old by then). The vet said it was a grade 1 or 2. (NOTE ***A rating of 1 or 2 in a pup is not normally a life threatening issue. She said money was an issue for the confirmation from a cardiologist so I refunded her 1/2 the purchase cost, with the other 1/2 to be sent upon confirmation from the cardiologist.  I never heard from her after that. And then later, another family that was interested in getting a pup from us alerted us to the public forum site and what she was saying. I tried to respond, even submitted my response but it somehow got deleted (??) And so I created this page so anyone that wants to know the "rest of the story" can check it out ... ..btw, that "other" family DID get the pup from us once they knew the rest of the details of what went down. )

2nd) Anelise's case. Her initial claim on Anelise was thought to be a very rare toenail condition that was thought to be genetic, but it was never tested for and I never received any "maintenance records" that I requested. The report I did get was something that is usually a condition for an older dog or due to trauma or injury. any case, she was issued a full refund. 

**Thus we no longer issue refunds or replacement without ALL the confirmation records and full health maintenance records received.

3rd)  The Jonathan / Isaac case (he never did tell me the pups name)  :(  ...SMH ..(A black/tan F born on 4-20-18). As usual we had him sign all the contract agreements (even the deposit form states what the contract states) that state papers will be sent immediately upon proof of spay) However this guy later wanted full registration. This was months after the pup had gone home! He never mentioned a desire for breeding possibilities up front, nor on the Questionnaire, nor when the Invoice for Deposit was made, nor did he mention it at any time prior to pick up or even AT pick up. He took the pup home and it was a few months later that I heard from him, asking for Full Reg for breeding purposes. At this point he seemed amicable enough, so I gave it some thought and said I could consider it if he was willing to do the same contract others do for breeding purposes. It requires a different contract and a breeding rights fee. He became very threatening after that... 

Note: he eventually got his reg papers (Limited)  just to close the drama, but NOT the Full rights for breeding as he wanted.....

People like THIS are why I warn people to beware of other "registered" dogs that are registered with  a registry that is NOT AKC!) .....

There are guidelines and rules to follow and I stand by them. This one turned into a very lengthy drama, more so than any other, so even though I do have the info and emails, (available for those who want to see them) I'm not going to add it all on here, if anyone wants to see it, just ask.. I'll send the records: the emails, the questionnaire, and the Invoice for Deposit showing all details up front.

Bottom line is that we stood by our guarantee, they WERE refunded, (all these things are in our archived records! (We keep ALL records of ALL transactions) and we will always stand by our Guarantee, ALWAYS

Below are the full versions including emails

This 1st set of emails regards "Nox", the 2012 pup......

This is our response to the false claim regarding him. They had talked to the person that was considering us, and then even left a comment on a public forum, saying some horrible things about us on a post  titled "HELP!!!!". (We have below a collection of her emails that provide a completely opposite story than the one claimed in that public forum.)  The emails describe a very happy owner, impressed with her dog, getting her dog started in Schhutzhund training, and even offering to be a spokesperson for us.......Until she wanted registration papers..... and I told her yes she could, but she would then have to pay the difference for a registered pup vs her original price for an unregistered pup....She didn't like that and things went downhill from there

All her emails suggested life was all well and good, from the time the pup left here, and then she even started him in Schutzhund training! That's not something a person would do that is concerned with a dog's poor health is it?

Short version;... In all her emails to us, there was never any mention of her utter displeasure with us or the pup.

       "Nox" facts condensed:

  1. She chose and purchased a pup without registration papers for $425 (price was with no papers)

  2. She sent happy and satisfied email updates to us (shown below)

  3. Offered to be a spokesperson for us as she was so impressed with the pup.

  4. So impressed that she even got him into Schutzhund training and claimed he was doing "remarkably well!"

  5. Asked for Full registration papers for competition reasons (so he could be listed as a GSD rather than “mixed” when listed in magazine publications)

  6. Wanted the papers for free, we declined that, but offered to work a payment plan for her. (our registered pups at that time (in 2012) were $650, so she would pay 200 more if she wanted him as a registered pup). She stopped contacting us after we declined her ‘papers for free’ request.

  7. Then a short while later we received an email with concerns of a heart murmur....The exam report said a level 1, then an exam at a later date said it might be a level 2 but not sure, needed a 2nd opinion to be sure. (murmur levels are from graded 1 - 6. Levels 1 & 2 are considered non dangerous and usually are outgrown) see info below

  8. We sent her ½ refund to help with the costs of a 2nd exam, (she said she was tight on money and could afford the 2nd opinion exam) (**explained below) with remaining to be paid upon confirmation of a life threatening murmur.


We never heard from her again. We don’t know whether the 2nd exam was ever done or not, and if it was, what did it show?  Healthy or not?  We don’t know …..(we are assuming it was good because she never returned for the balance of her refund, never came back with exam results in order to claim the balance)

* *She said money was an issue for a 2nd exam to confirm an issue, that's why we took the risk and sent 1/2 refund up front (because I also needed to know if was indeed a serious thing or not!) But once the money was sent, she never contacted us again so I don't know if the pup ever got that 2nd exam or not....


Since she did not send us the 2nd exam results, or contact us again, I assumed it had been outgrown and that all was good now and that they had moved on. ....... As it turned out, I got burned on a public forum instead. When we politely responded on that public forum, our response was removed for some reason, so that's why we decided to make our response available on here.


We, as human beings, need to rise above the mean and negative and carry on. I ask everyone to check with the other side whenever possible, it could save families, friends, work relationships etc. Mean comments, hate, and lies have no boundaries, it's everywhere. But remember, life is generally good and the more 'good' we put out there, the better it is for us all  :)


Thankfully that experience didn't change us, or make us quit trying to be the best we can be, but it did change our policies. I thank all my other families for the wonderfully warm support I got from them through that horrible time, for their encouragement for me to not quit. I love what we do here, I love that we've helped so many and I hope we can help many many more. I'll continue to be there for all my families, many times at the strangest hours of the day and to happily answer the strangest questions!  (LOL). I hope they never stop asking them! I know that each and every question you ask, no matter how small you may worry it might sound, if it's important to you, it's important to me as well. Besides, I enjoy the opportunity to help out!



So for the sake of getting this out in the open, let's lay this story on the table and let's get back to the 2012 pup, Nox.............

 (I've tried condensing, but when I'm including all the emails and explanations, here's the best I could do):
......... (BTW, be careful of those "public forum" posts, ALWAYS check for proof of the claims made in them. In this case, the claims are false and down right mean)


The initial public forum post was titled "HELP!!!!" and the person opening the post was simply inquiring about us due to their interest in a pup from us and had run into Nox's disgruntled owner and so they were alarmed, as anyone would be! Nox's owner had made discouraging claims about us to them, and so this new family was just looking for more information (as they should). However, the damaging claims made against us were untrue, and then Nox's person decided to post her claims on that public post as well. Her claims were mean and damaging to our integrity and character, and those false claims brought quite a few uninformed people onto her "bandwagon" and they in turn posted negative things even though they had never met us or ever been here. What those others did not know was the other side of the story, that we absolutely DID stand by her, we did indeed keep correspondence with her, we sent her money, we  requested a copy of the exam and it was she that never followed through, and she that stopped correspondence with us.

We work hard for our families, if there is an issue, we solve it. We strive for the best, as all reputable people should, and we absolutely DO stand by our guarantee.

So many things don't make sense; including our response to that public forum being removed .....???   Just so much conflicting info's created a lot of confusion for us as you will see, thus we felt the need to post it here!.......

Contrary to the claims that we abandoned her, we absolutely did not! We stood by her, as the emails will prove.
Contrary to her claims of being dissatisfied, her emails to us painted the opposite picture.
We received many happy updates, at least up until her request for 'free' registration papers came up. We did try to work with her on that issue though. Her initial  interest and thus purchase, was in a pup that was being offered without papers, at a price of just $425 w/no papers. (we used to offer two options, one price w papers, one without for those who couldn't or didn't want to spend as much....we no longer offer that) When she later asked for the papers but didn't want to pay for them, didn't get them for free as she requested, she stopped contact. It wasn't long after that when she did contact us again, but this time it was about a possible health issue, a concern, and again we worked with her, we even sent her money (so I could see a confirmation of the issue) since she said money was a problem at the time! (**I maintain copies of all records of all conversations, all receipts and all copies of any important documentation.

In all her emails to us, there was never any mention of her utter displeasure with us or the pup.
The emails, (prior to her request for free registration papers), describe a very happy owner, impressed with her dog, and even willing to be a spokesperson for us. Not at all concerned with any other "problems" with her dog as was claimed in the forum. All her emails suggested life was all well and good, from the time the pup left here, and on into his Schutzhund training, and then even after we sent her money for the follow up exam. Since she did not send us the 2nd exam results, I assumed the low grade murmur had been outgrown (as growth related ones do) and that he was doing well and that they had moved on. ....... As it turned out, I got burned on a public forum instead. When we politely responded on that public forum to tell our side, but our response was removed for some reason, so that's why we decided to make our response available on here.

We have copies on file of her happy emails (including a video link but we no longer have access to it although we do have the email message that came with it) and her happiness included starting the dog in Schutzhund training with happy results!) We also have a copy of an over payment that we returned to her when we noticed she had over paid us by $75 when she initially picked up her puppy. (their total price was just $425, no papers included, but she had over paid by $75) We also have the copy of her later email (after being denied the papers for free) requesting money this time in order to pay for the 2nd exam (which we sent her). We also have the copy of the one and only vet page we ever received, (which was inconclusive, reporting a very low grade murmur and requesting another vet look at it)......."It is very common for young puppies, especially large breed puppies, to develop an innocent heart murmur while they are growing rapidly". An innocent, growth related murmur is one that is graded as a level 1-2 on a scale of 6". .....This one and only page we received showed a level 1-2  (thus we needed the 2nd report)......... We kept the copy of the vet report, also kept the copy of what we sent her, the "1st part of the Health Guarantee Refund ($250)"  stating "2nd half to follow upon 2nd vet exam " noted in it. (in reviewing the information, this was actually more than 1/2 of her purchase price of just 425!)
....Yes we DID, and always will, honor our Guarantee (even though we had nothing to go on other than a "possible" issue), We did so as we felt she needed it, and as we needed a confirming vet report, and as we or any other reputable breeder should do.
There is a silver lining to this though, so put your hip waders on, read through to the end, and see what it is  :)

A side note: **There was one person on that public forum, that asked "what we did to help", (best question, thank you!)  so to that one person, I would like to thank them for their fairness of thought. And Yes we did stand by the buyer, we even started the process of refunding when she claimed money was an issue for that conclusive exam. To that one person that asked that all important question, I am grateful, thank you. We did indeed support her. We never did see the conclusive report, so we don't know to this day if he ever got that exam or not. It did teach us an important lesson though, we now have a "Well Puppy Exam" requirement (In this pup's case, there is no sign of a vet exam until he was 7 months old, and only then did he even get his puppy shots!!)  This new policy insures us that all families will get the all important health exams and maintenance set up and followed as is best for the pups.

Thankfully, another party, (that is now one of our new puppy families), brought this public forum attack to our attention. Until then we were unaware of her false claims.
With all the happy updated emails we had from her, you will see why it was, and still is, very confusing for us to hear of the unsatisfied writings from this person on that public forum, and though we would normally let it "slide off our backs", we found we could not allow things to go on any longer without our response.
So get out your "hip waders" (as another person on there said about our "too informative" website LOL...but that's another "silver lining", .....because of that comment, I now include the research links to back up the info, and I re-organized the pages/info  ;) .....

please read through the whole thing, there are a lot of informative emails on this:


Here are a couple of the several emails I received from her: (There are a few more, but they're repetitive of the ones included here)..... This 1st email is at nine weeks old (as per the dated receipt of the pup, they picked him up at 58 days old, (at her request due to her personal schedules) .....not VERY YOUNG as described in the public forum.
"I know I should wait until Nox is a little bigger to give you an update, but I couldn't wait to brag! He is soooo smart and wonderful! .... I can't get over how smart this puppy is. He is completely potty trained, learned 'sit, stay, come, and down' in the first week, and just learned, 'up, off, touch, and spin' the other day. We take both pups [they had adopted another pup during this time as well, a 7 month old corgi] on hikes and out with us anywhere and everywhere we are allowed to bring a dog (and some places they aren't lol). He is so incredibly eager to please and wants so badly to make us all happy. He loves meeting new people(after a glance to me that they are okay) and especially loves kids... Thanks so much, yes please put our update up. And if you ever need a recommendation, please send them our way! We will def keep you posted on everything. (all her emails from here on out, sound like this, (up until the registration papers issue), like a person that liked us, our dogs and our place, not at all what she describes in the forum)

...and because she was so impressed with him, they even got him started in Schutzhund training when he was old enough! (Definitely not something a person would do with a dog that is "randomly falling over" as was claimed in the public forum post. This sounds happy, not at all like a person that is concerned with health issues OR behavioral issues)
”Hello! ..... I started Schutzhund training with Nox two weeks ago (started researching it when we realized how smart Nox is, and decided to give it a go, and he is doing remarkably well)......, when I go to title him I need his AKC papers stating he is a GSD, otherwise he will be listed as a *mixed breed* on any titles. I really want to have him listed as GSD under any titles he receives. Is there anyway I can still get AKC papers from you? “
My reply was that it is possible, she would just have to pay the price of a pup with papers. (she purchased him without papers at $495, with her discount her total came to only 425) She would have to pay the $200 difference, as stated in our initial emails before purchase. To be fair to others, she would have to pay what others paid for a pup with papers. The following is a summary of the next email from her suggesting I give the papers to her at no fee:
".........  I am hoping you'd consider doing it without the fee.
I am putting so much, time, money, and effort into his training....any money that we can put towards him will be going into his training. I'd be happy to add Vom Pearlinhaus to his name, but if it's going to cost the extra $200 we will just have to list him as "Nox mixed" on any magazine publications that come out of Sch trials..........."

I stood gentle but firm on the issue and tried my best to explain it to her
"............Of course I LOVE to have titles among the pups, but since the litters are priced differently, (registered vs non registered), it would be unfair to all the other families that have purchased registered puppies at the true value price of a registered puppy.
I know this may seem a little confusing but I hope you understand.
I can work something out for you if you are still interested though.
Let me know ok?"

I did not hear back from her after that until March, now regarding the concern of a possible heart murmur. (and yet still no mention of "several concerns" as was claimed in the forum post). The vet report was unsure, and so he/she referred to another vet. The owner said "money was an issue" for this other exam, so I sent her 1/2 the refund to help her out. (because I too, really needed to know more about this possible issue). The 2nd half would follow upon the referred vet's possible confirmation of a serious issue. But we received nothing further from her once she accepted the money.  We did not even receive any "puppy's 1st vet exam" report, nor any puppy vaccine records, (the one report showed all puppy vaccines were given at that time of 7 months old!! ) nor any other health maintenance records. We really needed these health maintenance reports, and I would need to see the results of the determining exam, before the 2nd part of refund would be given.....however, the emails from her simply stopped after she got the money, and I never did see any more reports of any kind.


In the end, it’s not fair to be angry at me or bash me publicly like that when we were trying to work with her on everything she wanted. She wanted a pup without papers because the price was lower without them, then later when she DID want the papers for "competition reasons", she didn’t want to pay for them, and we were trying to work with her towards a solution. But when we stood our ground on the policy, she stopped all connection with us until the questions about the health issue concern. So again, we responded and stood by her, and even sent her money.  However, once the money was sent to her,  I did not hear from her after that. No second  report, no "well puppy exam" report, nor any other puppy health maintenance records at all.

In any case, I was there for her, I even sent her money, and it was she that stopped emailing.


This one was a hard learned lesson for us all.

 Another lesson learned from this....If I had listened to my girl Elsa, we wouldn't have gone through all this. She had given a very slight signal of not liking the person for some reason. So listen to your dogs, their instincts are far more sharp than ours

This 2nd one is about "Anelise", also a 2012 pup: (this family's 2nd pup from us)

*We also have the emails from this one if anyone wants to read them, but for the sake of space, we've condensed it to just the facts for this page.

The Mufasa and  Anelise story

Mufasa was a pup that they purchased for $550 back in 2011. He got very sick within days of going home, and it turned out to be parvo. Although we will never know where it came from, whether it really was from a bad batch of vaccines as we all first thought, or whether it came from a few puppymill rescues that we had helped out with. or what. Regardless of where it came from, we worked extremely hard to make things right with the 3 families that received the affected pups out of that litter.….. Once that happened and it was confirmed as parvo, we realized we could no longer take the chance with rescues coming to our place (we had naively and stupidly allowed them to be brought here, only later realizing what a bad decision that was!) I haven't taken in rescues since that time back in 2011, for the safety of my own dogs, that was the last one. It was a very stressful and painful learning experience for us. Knowing that it could have been the factor that affected my own babies, I now donate instead of physically helping with rescues, but I won't get personally involved nor offer our place for sheltering them after that horrible issue. 


Anyway, their decision was to keep Mufasa instead of returning him. He recovered and turned out great, and so the following is a summary of  Anelise’s story:

Note: (Mufasa’s issue was long before the knowledge of the Paxxin and Vibactra via Natural treatments (which costs are about $150 total ) , and even before the Conventional vet’s findings of another more successful and far less expensive treatment for the common parvo) see health page

Her initial emailed request for another pup to add to their family:

  I was visiting your page and saw you have 2 females pups available out of Yva and Gunther. Can you give me some info on them, including price? What kind of temperment does Gunther have? We have been thinking about adding another member to the family =)


As for Mufasa, oh my!! What a handsome boy he is turning out to be (I am attaching a picture from his 1 year Birthday in May). He is so amazing. Guards the house well but such a cuddle bear! And he has got the facial expressions mastered ;-) We did have some issues awhile back as he was getting very dry skin and small areas of hair loss. Thankfully the vet ran tests and it was just allergies. I have switched him over to a completely grain free diet, added some fish oil and give him occasional baths with shampoo for dry skin. It has made a tremendous difference but it was when I switched foods that I really saw the improvement so grain free it is. And you should see me trying to give him a bath, LOL. He hates baths! The look on his face is hilarious. Also, he has helped us feel very safe while my husband has been deployed. Thankfully he should be returning home soon though. When my husband came home for R&R for two weeks in March I wasn't sure if Mufasa would still recognize him but oh yes he did! My husband barely made it into the front door before Mufasa was all over him, tail wagging crazy. He was so happy and I have had to learn to be careful about saying "daddy" around him or he goes by the front door and pouts. Soon "daddy" will be home though.

 Hope all is well and please send me some info on the pups. God bless!


My response to her:

OH MY GOSH!!!! Hi !!!

I have two females available and you could have one for 250!!! …………….(more in the email answering her questions regarding the new litter and to let her know that that price was offered to her only, not for anyone else,)


………. they proceeded to purchase Anelise and added her to their family. I received one picture of her as a baby playing with Mufasa. All was very quiet from them after that, .......until 4 years later.

…….4 years later  ……

After they picked up their female pup, all seemed well. I had no updates for 4 years though, (which was a little out of character from what I knew of her, we have about 100 emails back and forth during the scare of 2011), so it was confusing that she seemed to, very suddenly, be very angry at me for what she called “2 faulty pups”! ??? Mufasa is fine and doing great, they love him to pieces. But Anelise was thought to have a condition called Lupoid Onychodystrophy (no report to confirm it, no biopsy even though I requested) but no mention of "other issues" at that time. Later, in 2017 she contacted me again about Anelise. No reports then either, but  I sent the refund anyway because I really believed it was what she said it was, a genetic issue. It was only after I sent the refund that I got a report of the findings but the report said: Quote: "There is no evidence of Osteoarthrosis (aka Osteoarthritis), there was a finding of Spondylosis Deformans (but this condition is usually injury related, and while it has been thought to be possibly inherited, it is listed as idiopathic, meaning the cause is unknown) and about a knee issue, Quote:"...likely secondary to soft tissue trauma such as cranial crucial Ligamentous or meniscal tearing" )  ........With all this information, I have suspicions that the dog was injured at some time but may have recovered enough to not have been taken in, then later these things started to develop?? .... I'll never know .... All these things can be related to "trauma or injury" as stated in the report

She also claimed that I had not 'followed through' with an offer I made to refund for Mufasa, ....and she is partially right. When I mentioned that offer, she said it "wasn't about money", and that it "was their decision" to go the route they did, and they "didn't expect me to pay for it" I put  them on the "back burner" while I took care of refunding the other affected families of that 2011 litter. So no, I did not refund them at that time (taking care of the others that didn't get their pups DID take a long while, that 2011 litter was a big litter of 12, all were settled and refunded). On a good note: another family handled their 'oversight' quite differently, and with a touch of understanding: They did gently remind me that maybe I had missed them or forgotten to send their balance of their deposit, ...which I had forgotten ..- here is their email:  "Just wanted to drop a line to make sure you hadn't forgotten about the balance of my deposit return of $100. I know how it can be when life gets busy! "........So  I immediately took care of it, thanking them for their understanding, their patience  and for reminding me!.......

 In regards to me forgetting about the Mufasa refund, all she had to do was remind me, I am human, and might forget things, especially in the most stressful times as that was back then (I even mention in this website, that if you think I have taken too long to respond with something, PLEASE do remind me! I encourage it! )  but when this one said I didn't follow through with it, and then accused me of being a bad person because of it, that cut deep. However, maybe she also have forgotten, that I did indeed make it right for them when they returned for another pup just one year later (and they chose one out of the same mom!) and I made sure they were treated right and discounted their price to reflect that Mufasa refund amount.


This is what confused me: No complaints for 4 years, no claims, no emails at all, and all of a sudden I'm blamed for intentionally breeding for bad health issues and for not following through with something. I did indeed follow through, and then she even got another refund on Anelise (a full refund)  even though she had not even submitted any of the health maintenance records (sometimes early altering, and even overuse of meds and vaccines can cause issues and that's why I need to see these records prior to a refund) . In spite of a lack of all this required info, we went ahead and issued a full refund. Only AFTER that did I see that the report, and that report did not even confirm any genetic issue!


 So in spite of the claims, I absolutely DID "follow through". And as for Anelise I waited because I was waiting for her to submit the needed documents for the refund (she eventually did, but that was after I had already sent the refund).  I still don't know at what age the dog was spayed either, I never did see the health maintenance records as are required for the refund.

**** In hindsight, and after  really taking the time to fully understand the report and saw "likely due to trauma or injury", and then more options for treatment that were suggested by the report, I think she was just lashing out due to her stress level. I'm sure she didn't understand the report or that there were other options (vets don't always give more than one option, their option) and I was the one she lashed out at.  I've been in similar situations and I too wanted to lash out at someone...... 


The 3rd one refused to do email (thus my insistence on email from that point on) and only did phone calls or sent voice mails. 


....... To a person that tries so hard to make sure things are done right, these things hurt  deeply. When we're dealing with nature, all reputable breeders have a guarantee in place to cover what nature might throw at us out of the blue in spite of all we do to avoid problems, that's why a reputable breeder will give 'replace or money back' guarantee for all things the breeder tests for. (we test for 150 different issues via DNA testing) For those of us that do this, we try hard to do the right thing, to be honest, and things like these cut us to the core. I hope that someday these people realize that nature is not always up front, if it were, birth defects in humans would have been done away with, there would be no more issues at all, right? And we would also know how to better avoid environmental contributors to our health. Same with animals. We don't  have crystal balls, thus we test for everything we can test for, pick the best we can, give the best care we can, use preventive measures such as avoiding chemicals as best we can, and hope and pray that we've eliminated any and all possibilities of problems. All these things that are done before a breeding even happens is our part. The buyer has their part as well. Good care, good food, careful not to over do the chemicals, etc. We do that with our own health as well as for our pets. And because nothing is perfect in this imperfect world we live in, we give our families a guarantee as a back up, just in case all that work still leaves us with something unforeseen... And if the guarantee ever does have to be used, it's also on the buyer to present all required and requested records of such health care. 


Bottom line is that we stood by our guarantee, they WERE refunded, (all these things are in our archived records! We keep ALL records of ALL transactions) and we will always stand by our Guarantee.

There is always something good that comes from a bad. Too many strangers followed and believed the Nox case blindly, without knowing the facts or even considering or asking what the other side might be ...but after going through all of this, I too, have caught myself being a blind follower of something when I KNOW I shouldn't. I've occasionally caught myself judging other people based on hearing only one side of something, so I suppose it's human nature to follow the negative "bandwagons".  I’m ashamed to admit that I have been guilty of that same snap judgement of someone without proof or giving the other side a hearing............ This opened my own eyes to the shameful unfairness of doing that. I will be more open and fair minded from now on, and will remember this lesson..... that there are always 2 sides. This lesson learned, is my silver lining in a cloud of hurt and confusion,  and for that silver lining I am thankful.So try not to judge others without knowing the whole story. Can you try to imagine what it would be like to have someone do this to you or your loved ones?  We have been bashed quite heavily by some strangers, the blind followers of that forum post and then had our response / explanation, our side, removed from that forum for some reason. So no one hears us.. Anyway, remember to be fair, there is always another side and both sides have a right to be heard, not just one side. Also remember that we were there for her as we would be for anyone that needed us to be, we even sent money when the need for it was expressed and we would do it again if ever needed. I trust the families that get one of our pups, and will not let this one cause me to distrust every family that I share my babies with. I still think my families are THE BEST there are. We give our families the very same Guarantee that all other reputable breeders give and we would honor it again if ever needed. Working with so many people opens us up to the possibility of having to deal with many different personalities and problems such as this attack, but as long as we keep trying, keep striving to do right, and stay focused on educating and improving, we can keep the hope of being among the best there are.

****One last note: As for the comment on that forum of our dogs not being in their competition circles, are Service Dogs not worthy of recognition of the ability to work and serve? ..... Or maybe think of it in terms of cars.... If you have a sports car, do you have to take it to shows, or race it, in order for it to be deemed worthy of being a sports car? Or better yet, would you take your strong, big, gorgeous truck to compete in sports car show?? Hmm, something to think on. 


I wish all good for everyone, and I try to please all as best I can.Please have a peaceful and blessed day.


****I like this quote, it says a lot and has helped me through this:

                 “To the wrong person, you'll never have any worth, but to the right person you'll mean everything” -Pastor Dave



Just a reminder: We've changed our policies after these issues..... Our Guarantee has a NON-NEGOTIABLE POLICY now that states that we will NOT refund without those vet records. There must be confirmation of an issue submitted to us before the refund will be sent, not a "it's thought to be" or a 'there's a possibility of" or a diagnosis without proper testing. I did learn some very important lessons from those two cases


No wonder the big name kennels don't cover much beyond a short list of the usual. ... Live and learn I guess, in spite of my goals to go "one more than" the big kennels, I am now learning WHY they don't go that route. I guess that's why they're the big guys right?  :)  There are so many causes/factors to so many things:  things like the type of food, the chemicals in the foods, in their environment, in the medicines, their frequency of vaccinations etc etc. Look at the extremely high rate of illnesses in humans over the last 20 to 30 years.... Yes there are some genetic links to issues, and a good breeder will test for those, as we do, but beyond that a good conscientious breeder should not be blamed or bashed for everything that happens outside of their control. Sometimes we are as shocked as everyone else and we feel horrible about  being blindsided by it. Please don't accuse of us of knowing about it and breeding for it anyway, we don't do that, It would take a very wicked and mean minded person to do something like that!

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