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Adding a puppy to your family is a big decision, not to be taken lightly. There are no refunds of deposits due to a "change of mind" once a purchase agreement is entered into via the Invoice for Deposit.This 'no refund' policy is stated on the Invoice for Deposit as well. I have lowered my deposits as far as I can (they support the expensive needs of the litters) so if for some reason you do have to back out, you won't lose an arm and a leg, but it's enough to make sure you're serious before entering an Agreement to Purchase and raise a healthy baby.

Refunds ARE guaranteed however under the "Health Guarantee"! *See Guarantee below, or if using a mobile device, please see the full size site for the full page of Purchase Agreement / Good Health Guarantee


The following Agreement / Guarantee goes home with each puppy under our warranty. A Healthy Puppy Guarantee is in place for you, Dietary and Well Puppy Exams are a requirement for my records. 

There is a time limited "Return for Refund" policy, so make sure to read and understand it.  **I'd rather take them back than to have them in a home that is unhappy with them. They're puppies and a puppy's future behavior will largely depend on how the new family accepts and treats them, and decides to train or not train. This breed is very smart and NEEDS early training custom fit to each individual pup and their family's preferences

The "Informational" portion goes with each puppy as well, so please read through it all.


  Purchase Agreement / Guarantee

** The paper version that goes home will also show the "links" info 

   Updated 2024         

 Vaccinations & de-wormings are UTD. Parent dogs have been full panel DNA heath screened for breed issues plus non breed specific issues and pups are guaranteed not affected by any of those issues tested. Buyer is welcomed to do their own DNA health testing as well. Pup is guaranteed in good health, free of contagious issues to the best of our knowledge at time of sale or we will accept pup back within 7 days of sale & we will refund at that time. This Guarantee is dependent upon a Well Puppy Exam by licensed veterinarian of Buyers choice and expense within 5 working days after receipt of the dog. The Well Puppy Exam stating the finding of the health issue must accompany any claim on the guarantee.


 *Vaccines: Buyer agrees to NOT allow the rabies vaccine to be administered at the same time or within 30 days of any other vaccine or treatment. As stated on all vaccine inserts, NO vaccine should be given with any type of illness.   **Information regarding why is found Here;  

​ Buyer agrees to provide the Vit C supplement in the form of Sodium Ascorbate to 2 yrs at the very least. Information of this crucial vitamin is included in Puppy Folder. We started it here from pregnancy through to the day they go home to you, so please continue it! *The importance of Vit C, w links to experts, is included.


Hip Guarantee: Pup is Guaranteed against HD to 26 months of age. If HD is found at 24 - 26 months age, a report of such by 2 unassociated vets, the X-rays & a Blood test showing Vit C saturation is required, at buyer’s expense, to be submitted to us along with the 2 vets’ confirmation of issue. If Seller’s vet agrees with report, a replacement pup from the next litter of equal value will be offered. There will be no monetary refunds.


**Diet: To avoid dietary deficiency, Breeder recommends feeding a high quality Active Dog / Puppy food to at LEAST 6 months of age. Add the Sodium Ascorbate daily, (Informational links & a small supply is sent home with each puppy. )


Environmental dangers to be aware of: Any issue that has been associated with, or is a possible side effect of a medication or preventative or chemical / poison / toxin exposure after the pup leaves here, is out of our control and cannot be covered under this guarantee. Please know all side effects of all medications & preventive substances before administering them, and know what chemicals, toxins, poisons of anything the dog could be exposed to: Such as Lawn treatments, all kinds of cleaners, pesticides (including flea/tick items), garden fertilizers, automotive fluids, and more, even peanut butter and sugar free food ingredients can be dangerous. Issues from any of these can happen immediately after exposure or ingestion, or may be after weeks or even months afterwards. Be aware that a build-up of even small amounts of toxins / pesticides over a period of time can be very dangerous to an animal. A small list of the Top 10 dangerous pet toxins can be found Here;


*** Health and behavior is affected by many factors outside of breeder’s control. All healthcare & training decisions, all the benefits/risks of these decisions, are Buyer’s responsibility, Seller cannot be held responsible. 

*Failure to follow the requirements of this agreement will VOID  this Guarantee.  

*Failure to get a Well Pup Exam within 5 days will VOID this guarantee.

 *Early Altering (prior to 12 mo of age) will void this guarantee

*Breeding of a Limited registered pup will VOID this guarantee

*Breeding of a Full registered pup before 2 yrs old and / or without Full panel DNA health screening of both parent dogs will VOID this guarantee


This Agreement/Guarantee applies to the original Buyer only and is not transferable.

No refund / replacement puppy will be given if the agreement has been violated.


*An ‘Acknowledgement &Agreement’ of this Guarantee has been filled out & signed, by Buyer, for Seller’s records.



Registration papers: The purchased dog/puppy under Limited Registration status will receive the appropriate AKC paperwork for registration immediately upon vet proof of spay/neuter.  All puppies are registered as a litter and most are sold on a Limited status (just means no breeding). Puppy's individual registration is Buyer's choice and  expense.   

***Full registration may be available occasionally;  with prior notice up front and on a mutual agreement. (Please inquire, (IN WRITING) about full registration before agreement to purchase. A separate contract will be required) 

Optimal Health Maintenance Informational

*** DISCLAIMER:  First off, please remember that I am not a vet! The information I share is simply from years of research, and what I do for my own dogs.  Any information in this website is not intended to replace a veterinarian's diagnosis or advice, it is for informative purposes only, to help the pet owners be more informed of their options. If you are worried about your pet, please see a vet!

Because our dogs are health tested for over 50 GSD health issues, are raised and kept as natural as possible, receive only the core vaccines and the legally required rabies (the 3 yr one) and their pups, while here with us,  are also kept as natural as possible receiving natural preventives and treatments, they have a very strong start in life. This continued "clean" life is up to the buyer to maintain.

If there should ever be an activation of the Guarantee, we would require all health maintenance records from the time of the Well Puppy Exam (proof that this exam was done within 5 days of receiving your pup is required to activate the Guarantee).  This way we can examine the maintenance records for any over use or over load of chemicals done to the pup. (Initializing this understanding of chemical restriction and vaccine restrictions is required on our Purchase/Guarantee page as you receive the pup).  

As the studies are showing, many of our pets are bombarded with chemical "treatments" for even the most easily treated and smallest of issues such as parasites (fleas/ticks,worms, microscopics) throughout the life of the pet. Natural treatments are best to keep the toxin load down, where the pet's own system won't be overloaded. The studies we follow, the recalls, the reported serious side effects of these products form our belief that over-use of chemicals does put a serious strain on the liver, destroys the natural gut balance, and disrupts and puts a strain on the other functions of the dog's system. Thus we believe, as many top vets do, that overloads CAN cause side effects that run rampant in today's pets.

To help you get acquainted with the dangers of toxic overloads, to help you learn about the natural options, and to just broaden your options and education aimed at the best possible life of your pet, I've included the many links that I believe will help you and your pet have the best possible life together.

NOTE: For Vit C benefits we use ONLY Human grade Sodium Ascorbate, as we hope you do too and we even send some home with each of our pups

***You may need to 'copy and paste' some of the following links into your browser***

Vit C studies and info that suggests supplementing for all large & giant breed dogs during growth stage:

Reference***Maria Vaananen and L. Wikman "Scurvy as a cause of Osteodystrophy" Journal of Small Animal Practice pg 491-99

Reference *** pg 130 "How to Have a Healthier Dog" The Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals for Your Dog's Life Cycles by Belfield, Zucker

YES Scurvy HAS BEEN reported in dogs ... see more:  "A. Deficiency in Dogs"..... "Scurvy in dogs has been reported (Garlick, 1946; Meier et al., 1957; Holmes, 1962; Hunt, 1962; Vaananen and Wikman, 1979; Kolb, 1984)"

From another source: “In our work in veterinary medicine, we found that dogs and cats [can] suffer from chronic subclinical scurvy during most of their lives and benefit from ascorbate supplementation. (Dr Stone).

Ability to produce Vit C varies from one dog to another: Tests showed a fluctuation of Vit C blood count from one dog to another : "In one group of 104 dogs tested, vitamin C levels varied from .02 milligrams per cubic centimeter of blood to .84 milligrams - a 42 fold variable!!  * Reference: Belfield DVM - How To Have A Healthier Dog, pages 52 - 53 .......Obviously, one dog's body can be starving for C while another dog makes enough to get by." ...."vitamin C supplementation must be carried on from pregnancy with the dam through until the puppies reach 18-months-of-age when the rear plates close down.(we require this!)

And another source:

and another:


No early Altering ...


                 _______________________________________General Information____________________________


As a pet owner you have the responsibility to make certain decisions on your own. Seller cannot stress enough that preventive care and supplement care is of utmost importance! Once they leave here, their well being is completely in your care! Because the pups were born and raised right here, they have an immunity to our area, our grounds, our home and the flora (germs) that they grew up around.  As they move into your home area, yard, neighborhood, and the new parks, they encounter a new set of flora (germs). To keep their immune system strong while here, we supplement their food intake naturally Including Sodium Ascorbate daily. from conception to the day they leave us, and we suggest you do the same, at least for the 1st year. (18 months to 2 yrs is the most beneficial!)

In our experiences, it keeps the body/immune system working at its absolute best!  


Parasites are everywhere, but can be easily and inexpensively prevented and/or treated. With the new age of using 'dog parks', and more 'common areas', the chances of picking up a parasite, whether it be worms or a microscopic parasite, is growing more and more common, but don't worry too much, because preventions and treatments are just as abundant. Since the incubation period of the single celled annoying little thing called giardia varies so much, 5 to 12 days in dogs and 5 to 16 days in cats, if your veterinarian suspects giardiasis, a stool sample may be analyzed for the presence of Giardia specific antigens. So Because of the 5 to 12 days (according to the vca hospital) make sure to get that stool sample checked at the Well Puppy exam to make sure they're starting out parasite free. Try to keep them from "exploring" in questionable areas for the first few weeks, "dog" specific areas should be a "no go" zone. "Giardiasis can be transmitted by eating or sniffing the cysts from contaminated ground, or by drinking contaminated water." from ** Just a bit of info; Did you know that coconut oil with ground cloves is a good preventive and even treatment for these nasty little parasites? More on that if you want, just ask

 Natural treatments (chemical free) are something I keep in our dogs' medicine cabinet at all times, 'just in case'.  A good vet is a must though, and I have the BEST. If you're lucky, your vet has had, or is at least open to, the education of using the more natural treatments first, the Holistic/Naturopathic care. There are lots of Natural Options for treatment of any parasite! From antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, etc etc, natural chemical free sources are abundant! 


*For contagion reasons, please restrict the young puppy's exposure to known safe areas, avoiding high dog traffic areas like dog parks, beaches, rest areas, pet stores, etc etc, to avoid any contagious issues until it has finished it's "core" vaccines, or your vet says it's safe. And if something does come up anyway down the line, don't blame yourself or anyone in particular, these things happen to everyone, even the most fastidious of pet owners. I know you may want to "show off" your new baby, but remember the risks out. These modern day risks are why I suggest keeping both Kochi Free and Paxxin on hand throughout the life of your dog. (Available from several different sources online) They keep for years and can help with any possible infectious issues picked up along the dog's life.


                                                              Hip Dysplasia General Informational
*** A myth on hip dysplasia is that just because mom and dad are certified clear of HD the puppies will be clear too. THIS IS FALSE. Both parents can have Excellent hips and still have a 10-30% chance of having a hip dysplastic puppy. Don't be sold on an old belief. If it were that simple to get rid of it, it would be gone as this practice of selective breeding only "good"  rated dogs has not eradicated it in over 70 years that it has been applied by  breeders! If it were that easy it would be gone by now, or at the very least, would be very rare. We're still waiting for a DNA test, and that IS being worked on today...."During the last decades a high number of selective breeding programs based on radiographies have been implemented for different breeds with the aim of reducing CHD incidence and improving animal’s welfare. However, the phenotype-based screening programs have not been effective enough, since the prevalence of CHD remains high...... .... Current knowledge in the mode of inheritance of CHD indicates it to be a genetic complex trait with a polygenic inheritance pattern influenced by environmental factors. .... So the only way to know for sure is to get your puppy itself x-rayed as it turns 2 years old, and one way to take precautions is to feed a high quality Vit C (the one for dogs is Sodium Ascorbate) throughout their growth to two years. We use Sodium Ascorbate for our pups and even adults and they're old but healthy and happy dogs! 

​​**** Only genetic Hip Dysplasia, (detectable by x-rays and by no later than 2 yrs old), in spite of the required vitamin C supplemented diet (amount of "C" can be shown by a blood draw) will be honored by our Guarantee. We guarantee our dogs and firmly believe a proper diet and no overload of chemicals is the key to health, thus the full health maintenance records need to be submitted with any claims on the Guarantee .... Dysplasia caused by factors outside the breeders control such as injuries, obesity, dietary deficiency (especially if the dog is low in Vit C), over exertion, over use of chemicals via an onslaught of constant meds, and/or other preventable reasons will NOT be honored.  The "up to 2 yrs" clause in the guarantee is there for a reason: An "inherited condition would be detectable by that 2 yr time frame".  Be aware that overweight puppies, poor diet (lack of proper nutrients, again mentioning the Vit C in the form of Sodium Ascorbate) and/or overexertion of a puppy (such as jogging with a young puppy)  can cause health issues including but not limited to Hip Dysplasia).
​****PLEASE be careful not to use overly strenuous exercise with a "young and still growing" pup of any large breed!!   Proper, gentle daily exercise on surfaces that are as natural as possible are proven to be beneficial in the long run.
​**for more information : ​( )
​The over-all health of your puppy should be your primary concern and responsibility!


Types of Vit C:  "The forms that have proved in studies NOT to be good and a waste of money are:  straight ascorbic acid with no additives to make it molecularly natural, and calcium ascorbate. Calcium ascorbate is not recommended because the calcium may cause kidney stones as well as not improving the hip joints. Ester-C is a form of calcium ascorbate.  The bad rap on vitamin C not working to improve hip joints has come from studies that did not use a form of the vitamin C known to work. Many people have a difficult time understanding that not all vitamin C is the same"(Since not all "C" is the same, the only form of C  that WE use is Sodium Ascorbate).

NO early altering due to health reasons for the skeletal growth of the puppy!  Early spay/neutering will void your health warranty! The sex hormones play a key role in the development of the growth plates and skeletal development. Early spaying or neutering causes a delay in the growth plate closing process. This can cause them to suffer orthopedic problems such as hip dysplasia, CCL injury, and possibly even bone cancer. (please do your research)  This link, and others on our health page, can get you started:  Spaying And Neutering /By Dr Karen Becker:

So educate yourself, don't allow over chemicalizing your dog, make sure to feed it healthy foods, and supplement with Vit C during the "growing" period of his/her life! Our parents have been screened for inherited issues, so their pups' start is very good, the rest of it's life is up to you.....Quote:  "Puppyhood is measured by trials and stresses. Stress, toxins, impurities, and the fast rate of growth during puppyhood demands an extremely high amount of Vit C, often this demand is more than the liver can produce!".......

So even if you don't do anything else for your pup, at LEAST add Vit C in the form of Sodium Ascorbate to his daily diet for the first year at least. Cost is MINIMAL at about $30 or less for a large dog for a YEAR! (my adults only get 1/4 t a couple of times a week! Compare this cost to the vet bills that may come up if you don't supplement!  Modern day stresses, highly processed feed (even the highest priced ones are STILL highly processed) preservatives in the vaccines, chemical preventives, environmental toxins and changes...all these DO affect your animals! Please take care to give them a life that is as natural as possible, for their entire life.    


****For more information on Vit C and Hip Dysplasia, please see:

Or simply type "Vit C and canine HD" into a google search, It is a confusing and controversial topic though so beware. One side really attacks the other! You will, of course, find public forums with the general public opinions on the topic, and all their various including the "nay sayers", but you'll also find professionals, researchers, accomplished breeders, chemists, vets, etc and all their studies and findings that have much to say about the research and the benefits of Vit C. The information is extremely eye opening.

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